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The Media Hub's 4th Birthday

Comedian Maureen Younger was the special guest at the Media Hub’s 4th birthday celebrations in Cookham last Wednesday. She shared lots of colourful anecdotes about gigging on the mainstream, urban and gay comedy circuits in the UK – and incredibly also gigging in German in Germany.

“Becoming a stand-up comic has also brought home to me how entrenched certain stereotypes and assumptions are and I always welcome any opportunity to knock those on the head,” said Maureen, who grew up a strict Presbyterian working-class enclave in North London and then discovered her passion for different cultures while working in Austria, Spain, Germany, France and Russia.

After Maureen’s presentation at the Bel and the Dragon in Cookham, Media Hub members were invited to have a social catch-up with other industry professionals, whilst enjoying some of chef Ronnie Kimbugwe’s canapes. There were birthday cakes galore on offer thanks to Cutsie Cakes and the Bel and the Dragon.

“I thoroughly enjoyed talking about MY Comic Life. It is always interesting to see other people’s take from what’s happened in your life and the different ways your experiences resonate with people. Not forgetting that all the cake on offer was definitely an added bonus!," said Maureen.

The Media Hub is the South-East’s leading group of media professionals and includes producers, directors, writers, bloggers, actors, photographers, media trainers and consultants. Previous guest speakers have included Theresa May, Princess Esméralda of Belgium, film producer Charlotte Windle-Mikkelborg.

Founder Sarah Parfitt says: “When we had our first gathering back in June 2013, we had no idea how many freelance media professionals there were in the area, many of whom work remotely from home. Although we all very connected because of Social Media these days, there’s nothing like a face to face catch-up. I am incredibly grateful to the businesses which have made the Media Hub the success it is today – the Bel and the Dragon, Carillion Communications and Mah Imges.

“I love how supportive all the members of the Media Hub are,” says Gemma Alexander from the TV Training Academy at Pinewood Studios. There are always great speakers and you can learn from their success and everyone is always happy to share advice. I always come away from their events with new connections, ideas and opportunities.”

If you work in the media and would like to join the Media Hub, please go to:

or email or phone Sarah Parfitt: Mob: 07900 4117 15

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