'I empower children and
their families to achieve
physical wellbeing'
Faye Knight and her husband, Gary, have two children,
Ava, seven, and Arthur, five. They moved from London
to Cookham over four years ago. Before becoming a mum,
Faye worked as a children’s physiotherapist for 15 years.
I caught up with her to find out all about her new practice,
Faye Knight Children’s Physiotherapy. Faye is also offering
FREE children's physical development checks next week...
‘Fifteen years ago, I specialised as a children’s physiotherapist and have
since gained much experience across hospital and community settings. My last role was as a senior physiotherapist at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in London.
‘I left that job to take some time out to look after my two young children,
but now they are both at school, I am ready to do something for myself and start working again. I have missed working as a physiotherapist and I am passionate about helping children, but I also need flexibility to be around
for my family - so I have decided to start my own thing.
‘I will be running my practice out of the Drummond Clinic in Maidenhead
on a Tuesday and Thursday, 9.30am-2.30pm. I will also see children at their homes or school if deemed appropriate.
'The Drummond Clinic offers adult physiotherapy, rehabilitation, nutrition and fitness, so children’s physiotherapy, for ages 0-19, will be another string to their bow.
‘I believe there is a gap in the community for someone like me. I know the NHS inside out, and unfortunately, there are waiting lists for children to
be seen. Yet if you go private, there isn’t always the choice of appropriate physiotherapy for children; often physios do not specialise in paediatrics.
An incorrect diagnosis could affect a child’s development and their physical or sporting potential, and that’s where I come in. I offer niche and fast care.
I have an in-depth knowledge and understanding of child development and specific diseases, conditions and injuries.
‘Often parents only need to book one appointment, an MOT if you like, for reassurance, to check their child’s development. Other children need regular sessions. [Please see list below of what Faye treats.]
‘After working in a variety of areas – acute and neonatal wards, special schools, hydrotherapy and community clinics – I have seen it all. I understand the impact a disabled or sick child can have on family life,
and I also believe all family members need to help in order for the child
to get better. I can empower them to do this. My philosophy is to make physiotherapy fun, goal-oriented and child-centred so they can achieve
their maximum physical potential.
‘I am excited about this new stage in my life and am raring to go with my business. I have made it my mission to stay on top of all the latest research and treatments. I am Bobath trained in treating children with cerebral palsy and have attended many courses, including kinesio taping, orthotics, gait analysis, and sports and growth injuries in children and adolescents.
‘Of course, as with all new ventures, I am a little apprehensive. But it is important to be challenged. It is nice to go to work, talk to people and have peer support. And at the end of the day, I am doing something I love, something I am good at.
‘I also think it is great for my children to see me working and to know I am someone else apart from a mum. Ava, in particular, has been asking lots of questions about what I will be doing, and how I will be helping people - she is fascinated. I hope to make my children proud, and also to encourage them to go out there and find what they enjoy in life.’
Faye is registered with the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP), the Health Care Professions Council (HCPC), and is DBS (previously CRB) checked.
I treat the following conditions, although the list is by no means exhaustive. Please contact Faye if you are unsure as to whether physiotherapy could help your child:
Developmental delay. A baby may not be sitting, crawling or walking when they should.
Babies. Concerns regarding babies head shape (plagiocephaly), preferential head turning (torticollis), Brachial plexus lesion, talipes etc.
Gait/walking concerns. Child may be presenting with intoeing/outoeing walking, knock knees/bow legs, tiptoe walking, flat feet etc.
Musculoskeletal/sporting injuries. Ankle sprain, anterior knee pain and pain that stops them from participating in regular exercise.
Adolescent back pain.
Fracture/orthopaedic surgery.
Cerebral palsy or other neurological conditions.
Chromosomal disorders. Down’s syndrome etc.
Rheumatology. Juvenile idiopathic arthritis etc.
Joint hypermobility/hypermobility syndrome.
Co-ordination difficulties. Children who fall or trip frequently, poor ball skills, difficulty holding a pencil.
To contact Faye, call 07766 463929
email faye@fkchildrensphysio.com