Thinking of becoming
a parish councillor?
So, the Cookham Parish Council elections are coming up.
Tempted to stand? Here’s 13 excuses not to do it! This fun article
will bring a smile to your face...
Excuse 1: I’m too young!
Answer: If you are 18, you are old enough.
Excuse 2: What’s the point of just joining a talking shop, they don’t do anything?
Answer: Have you ever been to a meeting? Basing your judgement on watching The Vicar of Dibley is definitely not valid.
Excuse 3: I haven’t got any planning applications in at the moment! Answer: Putting in for planning has nothing to do with sitting on the council. In fact, if your own application is being discussed by the council you must leave the room.
Excuse 4: I’m too busy, and couldn’t commit to attending every
single meeting.
Answer: Meetings are usually held two or three times a month and missing the occasional one is perfectly acceptable. Most meetings only take one or two hours.
Excuse 5: I’m concentrating on finding a job or furthering my career! Answer: Being a local councillor is a definite plus point to add to a CV
– it shows you can make decisions, work as a team, are community minded and proactive. Prospective employers will be impressed.
Excuse 6: I haven’t lived here very long and don’t know the area well.
Answer: If you have lived or worked in the parish for a year, you are eligible. Your views as a ‘newcomer’ would be welcomed, as you will probably see things more objectively.
Excuse 7: I’m worried that I won’t get many votes and look silly.
Answer: Even if you are not voted on, you may be approached if a vacancy subsequently occurs and be co-opted on.
Excuse 8: Our parish council is full of old fogeys!
Answer: Join up and change it then!
Excuse 9: I’d look foolish because I won’t know what’s going on.
Answer: You will be eased in gently, there is help, advice and more formal training available. The Clerk is the legal officer to the council and she will explain the rules.
Excuse 10: I’ll have to sign that Code of Conduct thing that the press keeps on about.
Answer: The Code of Conduct is nowhere near as onerous as made out in the press. Nationally, out of 80,000 Councillors, only 300 have refused to sign.
Excuse 11: I’ll have to let everyone know all about my business and personal affairs.
Answer: The ‘Declaration of Interests’ will ask you to declare business interests within the Parish area, to guard against bias when Parish issues are debated. The personal details required are very basic and not overly invasive.
Excuse 12: I’m too lazy, and not interested in my community.
Answer: An excellent reason for ‘not’ joining.
Excuse 13: I prefer to let others do the work, and then criticise from the sidelines afterwards.
Answer: Another valid reason for ‘not’ joining, but do bear in mind that expressing your views in the pub or the coffee shop, rather than at a Council Meeting will not change a thing in your parish.
The Parish Council is the first tier of local government and Councillors work together as the team at the heart of the Community, taking the opportunity to make a difference by providing a grass roots voice on many local issues.
Have responsibility for Parish services, which include play areas, open spaces community property and community enhancement projects.
Decide how much to raise through Council Tax in order to deliver those services.
Influence and shape the long-term development policy for the Parish and comment on planning applications.
Work as part of a team to identify and address issues and concerns with RBWM and other organisations.
To prepare for and attend one Full Council Meeting per month.
To participate in Committees or Working Groups as required or as your personal time allows.
Over 18 years of age and meet one of the following criteria:
Be an elector in the Parish
In the previous 12 months owned or rented property/land in the parish
During the previous 12months your main place of work has been in the Parish.
For the previous 12 months you have lived within 3 miles of the Parish.
The Parish Council Elections are on 7th May 2015
Nominations should be submitted by 9th April 2015
The next Full Council Meeting is on Tuesday 3rd March at 7.30pm in the Community Room at Cookham Library. Pop along to get an idea of what’s involved.
Alternatively, call or email the Clerk, Anne Osborne on 01628 522003 or cookhamparishcouncil@outlook.com for more information
They are especially hoping for candidates in for Cookham Village and Cookham Dean.

Cookham Parish Office