Take stock of your life
Hester Bancroft has a grown-up son and two daughters, and
a step-daughter, so she has a busy (and mostly fun, she says) home life. She lives in Littlewick Green in Berkshire with her husband, Simon, plus whichever child or children are home and their three dogs. Hester is a coach, therapist and writer – she has recently published an empowering book, Life Coaching in Your Pocket For Women. She also runs Mind Retreats for women.
I caught up with her for five minutes...
'I provide coaching and therapy to children and adults who need support around issues they are facing. I have a particular interest in self-esteem and
the impact our self-esteem has on our ability to lead fulfilling and happy lives (both for children and for adults). When working with adults, I support people experiencing anxiety and depression, as well as those facing important changes in their lives as a result of divorce, career change or bereavement.
'It was actually the experience my son had when he was little that inspired me
to retrain. When he went to school he was a very happy, outgoing and confident little boy, but during his first school year, he became gradually more unhappy and withdrawn. He felt totally unable to cope with what was expected of him. I consequently had him assessed by an educational psychologist who diagnosed him with severe dyslexia and dyspraxia, and so began a year of learning for us both; I found a school that could support his needs, an occupational therapist who could work with his dyspraxia and an optometrist who could provide vision therapy.
'The difference all of the people involved with Max made to him during that next year was inspirational; I got my happy boy back and he has flourished as a result of the support he has had (he has just finished his first year at University studying Philosophy). The experience really made me realise the massive difference that giving people the support they need, at the time they need it,
can make to their lives.
'Prior to having children, I worked in property development, which is completely different to what I do now! I enjoyed it a great deal actually, but
like many women, I changed so much through the experience of becoming and being a mother that I felt I wanted to do something that fitted more with the person I was post-children. We learn so much about ourselves and our abilities during motherhood and I think we begin to see both the world, and ourselves, in a different way.
'I started my Psychology degree with the Open University when I was still
a full-time mum and found it absolutely fascinating. During my third year, I began voluntary work with the mental health charity Mind and was involved in delivering the Pyramid Scheme, which is a nationwide scheme for children who have low self-esteem. I ran these after-school clubs working with groups of up to 10 children, carrying out therapeutic art and craft activities based on key issues we worked through with them. Within a few weeks of joining them, I was offered a job there and, three years later, when East Berkshire Mind had to close, I was approached by the Local Authority to tender for the contract to run the scheme through my relatively new company Effective Steps.
'After winning the tender, I employed two wonderful psychology graduates
to deliver the scheme with me for four years. In addition to the extensive training and experience I gained with Mind, I studied NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) to Master Practitioner level. NLP is a wonderful additional set
of tools to use in the therapeutic setting as it focuses on communication skills, behavioural change and creating self-awareness. In addition, I am a member
of the British Psychological Society (MBPsS) and am also currently a doctoral student of Integrative Counselling Psychology (DCPsych) at the Metanoia Institute in London. There are many different routes into be a therapist, counsellor or a psychologist, so I would say to anyone who is interested in
going into this area, really explore all of the different routes and find the
one that will work best for you.
'I feel incredibly lucky to be able to do the work that I do; it is a privilege to work with people on things that are painful or difficult for them and to be able to listen and support them.
'I also give talks regularly and am lucky enough to have a great relationship with many schools, so deliver talks to parents and teachers on pretty much a weekly basis during term time. Funnily enough, I used to absolutely dread public speaking and never guessed I would end up in a career that required me to stand up and talk to up to 250 people! I have to say now, though, that I enjoy delivering these talks. I speak on a variety of topics, such as how to build childrens' self-esteem, boost their resilience and increase their social skills.
I also work in schools directly with pupils of all ages, talking to them about a wide variety of topics, which is always great fun.
'I have released a book, Life Coaching in Your Pocket For Women. I see so many women who spend so much time nurturing and supporting the people
around them that they forget to nuture and support themselves. It is so important for all of us to remember our own needs and take time to think
about our lives and where we are going. The book covers the six key areas of a woman's life (intimate relationships, career and personal development, family, home environment, physical well-being and friendships). The idea of the book is that it is light enough to you carry with you and complete when you are on the train, travelling, or on holiday. It is packed with exercises to enable readers to understand where they are now and where they want to get to and basically take stock of their life.
'I am also currently writing a new book for parents called Become Your Child's Greatest Coach, which will bring together all of the material on my talks, including all of the techniques and strategies parents can use to make their lives easier and their children happier!
'Do I have an idol? I guess it's Audrey Hepburn – from all that I have read about her, I believe she had a beautiful soul; she was utterly graceful, totally modest and was incredibly motivated to help others. This is reflected in the wonderful work she did as a Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF. I would have loved to have met her. Another fact you didn't know about me – I am a secret gamer. I have played every Tomb Raider game going and I have lived many, many exhilarating adventures as Lara Croft!'
Hester's Mind Retreats cover crucial topics that impact our lives; each workshop is about becoming more empowered, assisting you in taking time to reflect on where you are now, where you wish to get to and what you need to do to put things in place to make your life more positive and fulfilling.
* Discover Your Purpose – 9:30am–6pm on Wednesday 28th February 2018;
* De-stress Your Life – 9:30am–6pm on Wednesday 7th March 2018;
* Assertiveness and Positivity – 9:30am–6pm on Wednesday 14th March 2018
For more information, visit www.effectivesteps.com