Exceptional Beginnings
Cookham mum-of-two Katie Wilson has launches Exceptional Beginnings, a life-coaching service for entrepreneurs. She believes in being the best you can be
Tell me about you/your family...
I have two children, William, who is six, and Sophia, who is two.
Why did you choose to live in Cookham? What's so good about it?
I moved to Cookham six years ago as I liked the village and as I grew up
in Holyport, I wanted somewhere with a village feel but that had more amenities, the countryside, pubs and restaurants for me and fantastic stuff for the kids.
Tell me about your new business...
My new business is called Exceptional Beginnings – it is a business and life coaching services for Entrepreneurs. Previous to this I had run Exceptional Marketing as a Marketing Consultant, Exceptional Mumpreneurs – networking groups for women and mums in business. This then evolved to Exceptional Women, which was a 360-degree agency that helped women reach their potential.
Exceptional Beginnings is the amalgamation of all these previous 'Exceptional' branded businesses. I am very excited and passionate about doing something I love.
Have you always been interested in doing this? What's your background?
My background is marketing, sales and business development. However, I've always had an interest in psychology and sociology, as well as
self-improvement and being the best you can be. The longer-term plan for me is to train as a psychologist. I will go back to university in September 2019, when my youngest starts school.
Have you had to do any training to be a life coach?
I've studied Coaching and trained as a life coach and NLP therapist.
Who is your idol – where do you get your inspiration and motivation?
I think from the people around me, the women who are running homes and families whilst building big businesses from their kitchen table. Like Lisa, from More than Words Typography.
What are your goals for the future?
Build my client base, build my business, establish a clothing brand.... watch this space for that! Then train and work as a psychologist.
Anything else we don't know about you and should?
Just that I love and am passionate about what I do. I am empathetic to business and personal difficulties as for 15 years, I've suffered with and am a survivor of bipolar, a mental health condition.