Bug Buster Kit
This week, I caught up with Sarah Smart, who works for Community Hygiene Concern to hear about the much-talked about Bug Buster Kit. If you've ever had to deal with the issue of head lice, you'll want to read this…
Tell me about you and your family/where you live…
My name is Sarah and I live with my husband and two teenage daughters. I work for Community Hygiene Concern, which is a not-for-profit charity that was set up in 1988 to protect people, especially children and pets, from parasites commonly found in the UK. The work of the charity now centres on the development of the Bug Buster Kit; a wet-combing method for the detection and eradication
of head lice and nits, without the use of chemicals.
Like most families, I have had experience of dealing with this issue and understand how frustrating it can be to resolve. I just wish I had known about the Bug Buster Kit when my children were younger, instead of relying on expensive products containing neuro-toxic pesticides or other ingredients. This is the reason why I feel very passionate about spreading the word about how the Bug Busting method works. Knowledge and understanding of the product you choose to deal with the issue of head lice and nits is the key to successful eradication.
Tell me about the charity/the Bug Buster Kit
The charity helps parents, schools and healthcare providers to achieve a lasting solution to the persistent problem of head lice and nits. The charity developed the Bug Busting wet-combing method for the detection and removal of both head lice and nits without the need for chemical treatments, using your own shampoo and conditioner. The kit features unique long-lasting bevel-edged combs, each of which are specifically designed to remove both lice and nits.
It is safe for babies, children, pregnant women, nursing mothers and those
with allergies.
A single kit treats the whole family at a cost of just £8.99, including P&P.
The kit is also available on prescription, for children with head lice. We provide
a confidential helpline (01908 561928) to offer support and advice to families, schools and health authorities.
What did you do before?
I worked for an international freight forwarding company for a number of
years, before joining CHC. I felt like it was time for a change in career, as my children are growing up and becoming more independent. I wanted to join an organisation that provided help to the community or those in need of support and advice.
How common is the problem?
It is difficult to find accurate data, as there is still a lot of stigma attached to this subject. What we do know is that this is still a persistent problem, as we provide support and advice to schools, health authorities and individual families on a daily basis via our confidential helpline (01908 561928).
What advice can you give to a family dealing with head lice and nits?
Unfortunately, no treatment is guaranteed to kill all lice and their eggs, therefore our advice would be as follows:
a) Wet Comb – wet lice stay still, whereas dry or damp lice move quickly away from disturbance, thus evading detection.
b) Choose the Right Comb – the choice of comb used to clear the head lice is crucial to success (metal combs are not recommended due to their round tips, which can skim over and miss young lice at scalp level).
c) Break the Life Cycle – stop the head lice from spreading and reproducing by Bug Busting four times spaced over two weeks, using your own shampoo and conditioner (without using pesticides which can be expensive, potentially harmful and because the head louse, like many pest insects, can quickly build up resistance/immunity).
d) Contact our Confidential Helpline (01908 561928) – for further support and advice.
What are your goals for the future?
Community Hygiene Concern, as a charity, is committed to helping parents, schools and healthcare providers with a lasting solution to head lice. The Bug Busting programme, with proper use of the Bug Buster Kit shows the way, without the use of neuro-toxic chemicals.
Unfortunately, no treatment acts as a ‘vaccine’ against head lice. However, if everybody starts Bug Busting together, head lice can be stopped in their tracks. By explaining and co-ordinating Bug Busting at school, local authority and national levels as well as to individual families, we can work towards this goal.
Anything else we don’t know and should?
Our website (www.chc.org) has a wealth of information on this subject, including common misconceptions. Our free confidential helpline also offers further one-to-one support and advice Monday to Friday 9.30 am-4.30 pm (01908 561928).
Useful links: