Dave the Disco:
Life is for living
Everyone's heard about Dave Pering, aka Dave the Disco. Born and bred in Marlow, he has three children, Allannah, 17, Alleah, 13, and Alfie, eight, and recently got engaged to Larissa, who runs her own children's nursery in Buckinghamshire. Dave does discos for more than 60 local schools and up to 15 discos a week – from Diddy Disco for toddlers to kids' discos to adults' discos, including weddings, fetes, festivals and special events ...
I wasn't always a DJ... I started my career as a junior in an
estate agent's and worked my way up. I went on to set up my
own successful business with my friends, JNP estate agents.
We had six offices and 70 members of staff. I sold it in 2008, but carried on working there for three years, for the corporate owners, but my heart wasn't in it. I realised it was time to move
on, so I became a house husband. I was 'Daddy Daycare' for four weeks before I decided to give DJing a go. I wanted a job without any stress, to go out and meet people and to encourage them to have fun. I firmly believe life is for living.
I didn't have any training, just years of listening to music!
I started off doing adult discos – and people just kept on booking me. I realised in the week, DJs have nothing to do, so I branched out into children's discos and toddler groups, and that's when I became really busy. I haven't stopped since! I love what I do.
I now run several toddler groups a week, as well as all the parties.
It's tiring, but fun... I love doing discos for the kids – I'm a big
kid myself.
I am constantly reinventing what I do, especially for kids' parties. I have to keep it fresh. I hate seeing kids sitting out of games, looking bored. I don't allow it at my discos – I always involve them by making them judges or something similar.
​Even in the Limbo, I let them keep going.
I hope some of the Cookham mums will come to Diddy Disco this term. All of the mums in Cookham are so lovely and loyal. There's always familiar faces – even when the kids stop coming to Diddy because they've started nursery, the mums still bring them back in the holidays and to my family events. If you haven't been
to Diddy Disco it is a pre-school dancing and singing group with Cartoons, Action Songs, Nursery Rhymes, Pop Music and Bubble Machine and Disco Lights.
I have always been a front man in a band, so at my discos
I am more of an entertainer. We had a little success from 1998–1991 and sang at the same gigs – to 5,000 people! – with some pops stars of the time, such as Betty Boo and Fat Boy Slim when
he was in a band. Our music was similar to Level 42 and Curiosity Killed the Cat.
The first record I ever bought was Huey Lewis and the News' The Power of Love. It was written for and featured in the film
Back to the Future.
My favourite song is Tears for Fears' Sowing the Seeds of Love.
I rarely get to chill out, but when I do, I love being with my kids.
Where's your favourite place to go on a family day out? The cinema, bowling or taking the dog for walks. My puppy (my 24-hour companion) and I hit the Marlow Bottom woods daily.
I love Marlow, although I lived in High Wycombe for 10 years when I was younger, after moving out of home, as I couldn't afford to live here. Now I have a family, I can't imagine living anywhere else other than Marlow.
When I go out to party, my favourite place at the moment is Baroosh on the high street.
Where are you going on holiday this year?
An all-inclusive holiday to Portugal with the kids.
Do you have any summer events coming up? I am at Rock The Moor and Penn Festival entertaining in the family areas.
I don't have an idol, but I'm inspired by people who do good things. I admire anyone who is happy and makes people happy.
And last but not least, tell us the rumours aren't true and you're not stopping DJing?
It is possible in the next few years, yes, but don't worry, I'm going to be around for a while longer yet…
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