The Pied Piper of Cookham!
Victoria Dawkes has been married to Nic for four years and they have lived in Southwood Road, Cookham, for all of that time. They have a 16-month-old daughter, Milly, and another little person on the way later in the year. She tells me all about how she teaches both privately and runs the Maidenhead-based Dawkes Music adult teaching school called My Music – teaching music is her business and passion...
'I have played the piano since I can remember – I recall playing games
at the piano with my dad from a very young age. I started playing the flute
aged eight, and the saxophone and clarinet soon followed. I have always had
a love for music and sharing that with others, whether it be by performing
or teaching. As a classically trained musician, I have taught woodwind from my mid-teens until now. I run Dawkes Music adult teaching school, My
Music, which currently teaches over 50 local adults to play flute, clarinet
and saxophone. I also run bands and ensembles for our adults – we always
have a great time at rehearsal and perform in different places throughout
the year. We were last heard at the Cookham Christmas Street Fayre playing carols. I love seeing the impact that music can have on people’s lives, and
the pleasure and sense of achievement it brings.
'I really enjoy all styles of music and my favourite changes daily. At the moment, I am enjoying chilling out listening to Erik Satie or Mozart's Clarinet Concerto. However, when after something a little more funky, it's got to be Gordon Goodwin's Big Phat Band or Tower of Power! And I think if I could play flight of the bumble bee as fast James Galway then I would be very happy!
'Dawkes Music is a Maidenhead-based specialist woodwind and brass retailer
with a history going back three generations to the current owners, Jon and
David Dawkes. With the largest square footage of display in the UK, we hold
our unique stock of spare parts, instruments, accessories and repair materials
for the brass and woodwind retail and wholesale market.
'I have enjoyed working at Dawkes for over 12 years, and we hope to provide
a friendly but informative service. Most of our staff are musicians so are very
passionate about music. Our purpose is to create and inspire musicians no
matter of their age or ability, whilst supporting them on their musical journey.
I also, of course, still perform myself and am performing with Julia Bentley-
Dawkes in the upcoming Cookham Festival, as well as Learn to Play Day, a national event happening on Saturday 21 March from 10.30am-2.30pm.
'Over 100 music shops across the country are opening their doors and offering free music lessons and Dawkes Music are joining in this exciting event. There are so many adults and children that would love the chance to try an instrument but not had the opportunity to do so. Dawkes will be running group taster lessons on flute, clarinet and saxophone throughout the day so people can have a go. We will also have live musicians performing at the event, as well as our adult beginner band. Last year, we taught over 60 lessons and it would be great this year to share our passion for music with more local people. Please come along and give it a go! It is completely free and open to all ages.
'Julia Bentley-Dawkes and I are really excited to be part of the Cookham
Festival again this year. Although we performed a couple of years ago, this
time will be a little different as we both have young children and are
passionate about exposing youngsters to music in its many forms. Our
Cookham Festival concert, called The Pied Pipers of Cookham, will be held
on Tuesday 12th May at the Methodist Church, Lower Road, at 10.45am. It
is deliberately focused upon mums and babies, toddlers attending, moving around, drinking, eating and even having their nappy changed! We will be performing some light, classical music for two flutes and piano in this child-friendly environment. It is £6 for adults and will be followed by refreshments. Everyone is welcome! I hope to see you there.'
If you would like any more information about the
Learn to Play Day event, see
or give us a call on 01628 630800.
For more info on My Music or Dawkes Music, visit
For more info on the Cookham Festival, visit