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Judy Renucci: homeopath
After suffering from glandular fever and ME, Cookham mum Judy Renucci changed careers to became a homeopath. I caught up with her to hear her story…
Tell me about you and your family...
I have lived in Cookham with my husband and three children, aged 23, 20 and
18, for 21 years. My eldest, a daughter, commutes to London as a management
consultant. The two boys are both at UCL in London, studying Physics and
Engineering. My husband works for an IT company in Wokingham looking after
Europe, the Middle East and Africa, so he travels a lot. I am a homeopath and
work at Nelsons Pharmacy in London and here in Cookham in my annexe clinic.
I also practice cranial sacral and am a Bach Flower Essence Practitioner. My
hobbies include yoga, meditation, golf and reading (I am in two book clubs).
What do you love about Cookham?
Being based in Cookham is wonderful as I can commute to London from Cookham
station easily and still enjoy living in this beautiful spot by the Thames with all the
lovely walks, the community spirit of a village and the excellent local facilities. We
enjoy eating out as a family and rarely go further than Cookham or Marlow as the
choice of restaurants is wonderful. We especially love the White Oak set menu
– it's such good value, or Vanilla Pod in Marlow for a special occasion! Last night,
we went to the Anong Thai on Cookham High St for a delicious meal, followed by
Bel and Dragon to sit by their cosy fire! Our neighbours are friendly and are always
there when we need help. Over the years, we have shared Christmas drinks,
Bonfire night celebrations and an annual Cedar Drive Tennis tournament with them!
Tell me about your work…
I practice two days a week from my home clinic in my annexe over the garages as well as at Nelsons
Pharmacy in Mayfair. My clients are varied and normally recommended by word of mouth. As I treat the person and not the condition, they vary from babies and children to the elderly. I normally get them to complete a questionnaire on themselves and any presenting complaints, which I analyse before the session. Appointments usually last an hour and combine homeopathy with cranial sacral and sometimes Bach Flower Essences to help rebalance emotions or Vega Testing for food intolerances if relevant to the case. I see someone on a monthly basis to track changes and improvements in how they feel, sleep patterns, appetite, mood, energy, physical complaints and so on. Then I adjust remedies or potency (strength) as necessary and review again a month later. Two days a week I work at Nelsons Pharmacy on their advice/order line and see London clients.
Have you always been interested in doing this?
Having M.E. was for me a turning point in my life and something I am now grateful for, as it taught me so much. Prior to that, I worked in the software industry in sales and alliance marketing. It was intense and
I juggled full-time work with small children, living and working abroad some of the time, and hired help! Only when I became ill did I realise that my heart was wanting to stay at home with my children, not pay other people to look after them! We moved back to Paris when they were six, four and two, and I took a sabbatical for six months to manage the move and settling them into schools, and never returned, focusing instead on regaining my health and spending more time with the children during those precious years of childhood.
My quest for health for myself enabled me to explore many therapies both in France and back here, thus developing my passion for healing! When my youngest started senior school, I was able to commit to studying for another full-time degree (my first was in modern languages) in homeopathy, travelling to London two days a week, and I have now completed a postgraduate course in advanced therapeutics with Helen Johnson (Academy Healing Arts).
What did you do before?
After graduating from university at 22, I did a two-year postgrad in export marketing with languages and then started working for a data communication company in international sales. I switched to sales management in time recording and then software distributor sales which involved regular travel. We moved to Geneva with my husband's job and I worked from home and covered Eastern Europe. Then we moved to Brussels and I ran the Europe alliance program based in the company's Brussels' office and had my daughter. Then moved to Paris and worked from their Paris office, only returning to live in the UK to work from the High Wycombe office when my father passed away. When my eldest son was six months, I joined a US software European start up and ran the European alliance program. Although I had had glandular fever in the past, this is when I fell ill with chronic fatigue, but struggled on, and acupuncture and homeopathy helped me return to work after several weeks off. I worked full then part-time until we moved again to Paris and I took a sabbatical.
What do you love about the job?
I love treating people with homeopathy as it is completely natural and there are no side effects. I can help people with chronic conditions, where allopathic medication can only palliate. I feel that everybody deserves the right to a healthy body and mind and balanced emotions, and that regular homeopathic treatment can help achieve that – increasing people's quality of life and contentment. I am interested in peoples' stories; in what brought them to this point in their lives where they are experiencing 'XYZ'. By analysing their history and identifying possible cause, one can often reach the root of the issue to identify how to regain equilibrium or homeostasis.
Did you have to do any training?
I did a degree in homeopathy at Middlesex Uni for three years full-time and gained a first class hours. My dissertation was on the remedy Calc phos for osteoporosis in post-breast cancer sufferers and I also researched Type II diabetes for an extended essay, which greatly interested me, as my mother suffers from that. I then took part in several clinics to gain as much experience as possible, in addition to starting my own practice and began working at Nelsons Homeopathic Pharmacy in Mayfair.
Who is your idol?
My idol is Caroline Myss, who wrote Anatomy of the Spirit and The Sacred Contract. She believes that we all have the ability to take control of our lives and steer in the correct direction to regain and maintain health. Although she trained as a journalist, she works as a healer and has the ability to read people, sense their story and see what changes could be made to impact positively on all aspects of their life. I also admire some great homeopaths in the UK, such as Helen Johnson and Colin Griffiths.
Anything else we don't know about you?
As well as treating clients, I supervise homeopathy students and give talks locally, such as at St Mary's Church Mother and Baby Group. I love to educate and train people on how to use the remedies themselves so that each family has their own kit and is self-sufficient for coughs colds, ear infections, sore throats and so on, thereby reducing their need for prescription medication or doctor visits. Homeopathy works alongside conventional medicine and is a truly complementary therapy.
To contact Judy Renucci, see below.
Registered Homeopath BSc (Hons) LCHE MARH RHom
07879 624011