Beth Hammond
– The Confidence Coach
Tell me about you/your family…
I’m married with two girls, aged 10 and seven, one dog, two guinea pigs and lots of stick insects. I grew up in Marlow, moved to Brixton in 1998, then Chiswick. We came back this way to Windsor when our eldest was 18 months.
Why Windsor?
It felt familiar but not too much like coming home [to Marlow] – the perfect compromise of buzzy town and green fields with great links to London.
What's so good about the area?
So many things. We have an amazing community feel. We know all of our neighbours, young and old. Being able to walk from home to the castle/river and dog walking in Windsor Great Park is great. And the shopping is pretty good and there's some fab local pubs.
Tell me about your new business venture…
I started my life-coaching journey way back in 2003, when I discovered that my passion for people and curiosity for finding out why we do what we do had a name – life coaching! I qualified as an NLP (neurolingusitic programming) practitioner and trained as a life coach.
I worked in London coaching part time – it was a very new concept in the UK. Since then, I’ve had a family and wanted to focus 100% on them whilst they were little.
In recent years, I joined Stella & Dot as a bit of fun and to use my skills.
I quickly built up a successful team of women and coached them to be confident business owners. Using my coaching skills was a clear reminder that when the time was right, I knew I wanted to return – with a focus on Confidence Coaching and sales training. So here I am.
I help women (not exclusively!) to be more confident so they can live they life they want. I also work with businesses to help the women in their sales teams become more confident, engaged and effective/kick-ass! I run one-to-one sessions by skype/phone for individuals, which means clients can be anywhere in the world. If they feel I’m the right fit for them, distance need
not be a problem.
Who is your idol?
I have a number of idols, mainly everyday people who have an inspiring and positive attitude.
Where do you get your inspiration and motivation?
There are a network of other coaches and we support each other, which really helps. I find inspiration in everyday people who are confident in themselves, kind-hearted and driven. I’m motivated by all the brilliance
that is on hold due to lack of confidence... I’m genuinely convinced that we’re all on the cusp of brilliance and if only there were more cheerleaders to keep us up, challenge our thinking and allow us to feel safe to make mistakes, we could all live lives that are truly ours... comparison is the thief of joy, after all. I’m motivated to make a difference enabling women to have confidence to show their true colours.
What are your goals for the future?
I would like my business to be a trusted and respected movement.
Anything else we don't know about you and should?
I love travelling, dancing, spicy food and walking the dog.
Most of us in Cookham probably know her as the successful Stella & Dot stylist. I know her as a friend and inspiration. And now Beth Hammond, a mum of two, is going by the name of The Confidence Coach, helping women to be more confident so they can live the life they want…