Never be stuck for ideas again... Here's our up-to-date, hot-off-the-press guide to all
the family-friendly events taking place in the local area. What fun will you have today?
If you’d like to add an event to our listings, email mumsaboutcookham@gmail.com.
And don't miss our comprehensive list of all the
Places to Visit in the area - if you're in need of
inspiration, press the button and off you go!
12 October. Jamie Raven presents Making Magic at the Magnet
13–14 October. It's apple weekend at Hughenden Manor, with tastings, apple sales, countryside produce and more.
13 October. Many films are shot at Burnham Beeches (from Harry Potter to Robin Hood) and this Saturday, you can Meet the Ranger on Location to talk about some of the films that have been filmed there (read my interview
with the ranger here www.mumsaboutcookham.com/film).
20–28 October, Hallo'welly'ween is back at Wellington Country Park.
20–28 October, The Bat's Lair trail is taking place at Cliveden,
20–31 October, Halloween Half Term at Stonor,
22 and 26 October. Head
to Hughenden for their annual pumpkin carving.
22–28 October. Spooky Halloween at HellFire Caves.
22–28 October. Halloween Festival at Odds Farm.
24 October. Build a bat box and Meet the Bugs at Halloween at Beale Park
24 October. Victorian Ghost Stories at Stonor Park
Until 28 October. Happy Birthday at the River & Rowing Museum.
20-28 October. Norden Farm have some great shows an events on for families – join their storytellers in the magical story
den or take part in Singalong Concertini.
I hope you've managed to get your hands
on a copy of Mums About Cookham's
summer guide – it has loads of ideas for
you. If you haven't managed to find a copy, email mumsaboutcookham@gmail.com.