Brave Lotus
For those of you who know me, you'll know I love jewellery. And
I recently met a new jewellery designer on the block – Gemma Zivanovic. Gemma lives in Maidenhead and her jewels are stunning.
I couldn't resist buying some of her copper feather earrings! She told me all about being inspired by the concept of adornment and how we decorate ourselves... plus how she's always trying to save the planet, a little at a time…
Tell me about you/where you're from/background
I am a full-on creative – always making and painting things – and a huge treasure
hunter and up-cycler. My house is filled with beautiful bits that I have found
and brought back to life.
Born and bred in Buckinghamshire, I studied at Bucks University and am a graduate in
Jewellery Design. I got a design job straight out of university and worked in London for eight years, designing costume jewellery for high-street stores, such as Jigsaw, Asos, Reiss, River Island, Cos and Boden. It was fun and exciting, and I got to travel to India and China to work with the suppliers.
Tell me about your business
I started Brave Lotus in December 2014, and have been slowly growing the brand
over the past two years. I sell online and at private shopping parties, and I also sell to stores. Plume Boutique in Marlow being my flagship store where I have my own little
pop-up stand full of jewels.
What do you like most about being a jewellery designer?
I have been a magpie for jewellery for as long as I can remember – it's a real obsession. I have always been fascinated with it and am drawn to a string of shells as much as a full diamond necklace. I visit any market I can find when travelling and can spend a whole day exploring the V&A museum jewellery exhibits.
What did you do before?
I have worked as a MUA (makeup artist) over the years, alongside the jewellery,
training in SOHO London. The whole concept of adornment and how we decorate ourselves just amazes me.
Did you have to do any business courses or training for your business?
Having worked in the wholesale industry for eight years as a designer, I have an understanding of how a business like mine should run, however, times are always changing and now the need to invest in social media strategies is much more important and I am looking at courses and advice to push me further with this.
What is the best part of having your own business? And the worst?
The best part has to be seeing everything come together at a show or a pop-up shop
and watching people try on the jewellery and seeing the reaction the pieces can have.
The worst part has to be working alone the majority of the time – you have to motivate yourself constantly and it can be tough not having someone there to bounce ideas off of.
What's the best piece you've ever created? What's your best-seller?
So far, my ‘Feather in the Wind’ necklace has been my favourite piece and
my best-seller.
Where do you get your inspiration?
I love looking to nature for inspiration, feathers and lotus flowers especially. I look to cultural and tribal references also, and follow my instincts for colours and materials when sourcing components.
Who is your idol?
I have many, but Elizabeth Gilbert is one of my current favourites. Her book, Big Magic,
is a must read for everyone. Also Brene Brown is wonderful and her Ted Talks are
very enlightening.
Which celeb would you like to see wearing your jewellery?
I would love to see Gemma Arterton and Emilia Clarke wearing my jewellery. Both beautiful, down-to-earth British actors, comfortable in their own skin.
Anything we don't know about you?
I love anything denim and often rock double denim. My fave Christmas gift
this year was a denim apron my mum made for me.
A hippy at heart, I am always trying to save the planet, a little at a time. Cue
me balancing a food shop in my arms to save taking a plastic bag…
I have also just adopted a rescue cat (mini panther) called Bella!
For more info,
visit http://www.bravelotusuk.com/