Diddy Pony Parties
It's my daughter's birthday this week, and she cannot wait to have a Diddy Pony Party. But the Diddy Ponies don't just attend fetes and birthday celebrations, they also help children with confidence and behavioural issues, as well as visit hospitals and care centres as therapy ponies! I caught up with Carly Flower, co-founder of Diddy Pony Parties…

Tell me about you and your family/where you live…
Our Diddy Ponies live in the beautiful fields at a farm in Wendover, Buckinghamshire. It is very quiet there and they have stunning views across
to Combe Hill.
Tell me about your ponies and parties…
Mary and myself jointly run Diddy Pony Parties and between us we have four
Diddy Ponies. Molly (who stands at 32 inches tall) and Nipper (who stands at
34 inches tall) are both Miniature Shetland ponies and have been owned by
Mary for 12 years, and were originally bought for her two daughters.
Latona and Darcy belong to me. Latona (who also stands at 34 inches tall)
is also a Miniature Shetland pony and I bought her four years ago for my son.
Darcy (who stands at 40 inches tall) is a new addition to our team and is a Standard Shetland pony. Darcy was with her previous owners for many years, but sadly
they needed to re-home her and wanted her to come to us so she could continue
to receive lots of fuss and love from our Diddy Fans!
First and foremost, they are our very much-loved family members, but now they help children celebrate their birthdays by attending parties and joining in at fetes
to help raise money for local schools. Although our ponies are too small to be ridden, children can brush them, plait their manes and tails, and decorate them
with flowers, feathers and ribbons. We even offer the children the opportunity
to lead the ponies around a little obstacle course challenge!
Our Diddy Ponies have another very special and important job as they
also take part in Equine Assisted Learning, helping children with confidence and behavioural issues, as well as visiting Hospitals and Care Centres as Therapy Ponies!
Have you always been interested in doing this? How did you get involved?
Diddy Pony Parties was only set up a 18 months ago when our children sadly outgrew the Diddy Ponies, so they where looking for another job to do! A friend of us asked us to bring the Diddy Ponies to her garden for her daughter's birthday party as they were the only ponies small enough to fit! The ponies were a huge
hit and have been in demand ever since!
What do you like about it the most? What did you do before?
The most rewarding part of what we do is seeing the joy the ponies bring to everyone they meet. They bring a smile to everyone's face and bring even the quietest and shy people confidence.
Mary and I have always worked with horses, myself as a Horse Riding Instructor and Mary as a top groom at a Show Jumping Yard.
What are your goals for the future?
We just want to continue doing what we are doing, spreading a little happiness to everyone the ponies meet and giving those that need it a little helping hand.
For more information, visit www.diddyponyparties.co.uk