'I'm related to Charles Dickens'
Sarah Leavy has lived with her husband in Maidenhead for
the past four years. All her immediate family live here and,
as they're so close-knit, it's the place she wanted to be. Well,
it was going to be here or New Zealand – where her husband
is from! And you'll never guess who her great-,great-, great-Grandfather was? The one and only Charles Dickens! Talent obviously runs in the family as Sarah has set up her own business providing private paediatric physiotherapy, antenatal and post-natal Pilates classes, and infant massage to those
in Maidenhead and the surrounding areas...
I always wanted to work with children and was always interested in the
medical profession. I did a physiotherapy degree and became a paediatric physiotherapist, and have since worked with children and babies for the
last 13 years. My business idea started about 10 years ago when I began
to realise that lots of the parents I worked with wanted more information
about infant development and additional treatment sessions to those
provided by the NHS. Having worked in the NHS for 15 years, I felt that
I need a new challenge and I also had to stop talking about my ideas
and really make them happen!
Now my business provides private paediatric physiotherapy, antenatal
and post-natal Pilates classes and infant massage to people in and
around Maidenhead. As an experienced paediatric physiotherapist, I can offer treatment for a wide range of conditions for babies and children
up to 16 years, within the comfort of their own home. The antenatal and
post-natal Pilates classes aim to help women maintain and regain core
strength and muscle tone as well as some well-deserved relaxation! These classes also offer valuable information on foetus and baby development.
Aside from my degree, I have completed many courses over the years to enhance my skills. I have done some Pilates courses and, more recently, undertook my qualification with the IAIM (International Association of Infant Massage) to become a Certified Infant Massage Instructor. This will hopefully be completed by the end of this month, and I will be able to offer infant massage classes for babies up to one year or adopted/fostered or special needs children up to seven years. My training in all these areas will then be ongoing in order to keep up to date with best practise.
As I've become more experienced, my business idea has developed and
I've become more passionate about it. I am loving fulfilling my dream of working with children and giving valuable advice to parents. I like being my
own boss and being able to make my own decisions, depite also having to
step into unknown territories, such as getting an accountant and learning
how to use Excel!
If I can help you, I'd love to hear from you.
If you'd like to get in touch with Sarah, visit
or email sleavy77@gmail.com
Her website is currently under construction.