The idea for Jessica Irving's business, Bellamy Baby, was 'born' during antenatal classes, when she and her friends discussed
a mutual dislike for the unfashionable changing bags on the market. They decided to create a more stylish, luxury leather changing bag – and you're all going to want one! I caught up
with the Windsor mum to hear all about it...
Why did you choose to settle in Windsor?
My husband and I have both worked in London for more than 10 years. When
I was pregnant with our daughter, Isabel, in 2013, we decided it was time to find somewhere more suited to family life and Windsor was the perfect spot. We
have since made many friends here and can't imagine leaving.
Tell me about Bellamy Baby
Bellamy Baby is a new luxury leather changing bag brand that launched in January 2016. The idea was born when I met my business partner, Alex, at NCT classes. We bonded over a mutual frustration at the lack of leather changing bags on the market and so we decided to do something about it! We offer beautiful, luxurious and stylish bags that mean a new mum doesn't need to compromise on her style. Our bags are also very versatile so can be expanded for use on a buggy.
Did you ever think you'd be doing this?
I have always worked in Fashion but I never imagined we would be doing what
we are today. I love how exciting it is every time we receive some great press coverage or sell a bag. It is a real boost and keeps us motivated.
My business partner and I both had four-month-old babies when we decided
to take the plunge. The challenge of balancing the demands of employment and children is something every parent understands so we wanted to find something that meant we were more flexible. Every work meeting is also a play date and we are emailing each other until midnight most nights! 9-5 does not exist when you are an mumpreneur.
What did you do in your past life, pre-Ballamy Baby?
For the last 11 years I have been a buyer of handbags and accessories for some of the largest retailers on the UK high street. Handbags and leather are my passion. I have been lucky enough to travel the world sourcing the highest quality leathers and factories, which has enabled us to select only the finest for Bellamy Baby. Alex, my business partner, has always worked in finance so we are a great combination.
What are you loving the most?
The best part about running the business is the sense of achievement – every sale is down to the hard work we have put in. The worst is the very long hours and finding it hard to switch off.
What's your favourite bag and why?
My favourite bag is our Harriet tote in Gazelle – the monochrome Italian hair
hide is perfect for spring and goes well with any outfit. The Leopard comes a
close second.
Where do you get your inspiration?
I keep a very close eye on catwalk trends, which are very important when it comes to predicting the latest colours and materials for next season. We have some exciting new styles and colours coming for AW16, so watch this space...
What do you like to do in WIndsor?
We love our family strolls up the Long Walk to the castle – it is just beautiful
in the sunshine.
Anything else we don't know about you?
I spent two years studying in Italy so speak almost fluent Italian.
Bellamy Baby