By Natalie Trice (visit www.justbecauseilove.co.uk)
We all know that a happy mum makes for a happy child, so how do we stay content as parents?
A mother's work is never done is so very true and I didn’t realise this
until I myself became a mum to two small sons, living in a new town and building a business. Whether you are a working or stay-at-home mum, trying
to keep all the balls in the air can be a challenge, especially when you want to ensure everything is perfect all of the time.
Busy mums balance the world on their shoulders as they juggle children, jobs, homes, partners, friends and health concerns at the same time as attempting to keep a sense of personal identity and element of fulfillment
in their lives.
However, whilst all work and no play is often the norm for busy mums, the need for balance is key to keeping your show on the road. It is vital to try to make time for the things that make us smile, which means putting ourselves first once in a while.
Getting enough sleep, taking some exercise, eating a well-balanced diet and having a night off or holiday now and again aren’t luxuries, they are basic requirements, but can still take some planning.
You and your partner should make time for each other too. You were a two before you became a three, or a four, or a five... and it's vital to stay connected, to feel listened to and treasured.
Wendy Shand, Founder and Owner of Tots To Travel, successfully juggles
a growing business, husband and three young children. She has recently published an e-book called The Mother of Invention: Taking Your Mumpreneur Idea to Big Brand Business and Beyond.
Wendy has been talking to me about her tips for keeping life balanced, however much you have on your plate. Here's what she told me.
Plan your time
Decide when you work and when you are with the family or doing something else. Whichever you are doing, commit to concentrating 100% on that one thing - not taking a business call, while making tea and changing a nappy!
Sort out your childcare
You must have reliable childcare in place. Regard this as a start-up cost and a necessary part of getting going. Without time to concentrate you’ll spend more time achieving a lot less. In the end, you’ll work twice as hard, for more hours and be miles off achieving a great work-life balance.
Keep healthy
Mums are such an important cog in the family wheel that if we are unwell everything else falls to pieces and we get behind. The answer is to keep well in the first place. Prioritise your own health, eat well, sleep lots and ensure you stay fit. I regard my wellness as being a vital component of my success.
Plan treats
I firmly believe there is room to treat yourself, so reward your efforts with a massage, a manicure or just an hour in the bath with a good book.
Be kind to yourself
I think we are our own harshest judges, so be nice to yourself and take some time to look back and reflect on how far you’ve come and the successes you’ve had. Celebrate your achievements and allow yourself to accept praise from others. That way, you’ll feel better about everything you do.
So, once you have got the children to bed, the dinner cooked, the dishwasher stacked and the ironing basket cleared, why not arrange to see your friends,
or watch that film you've been meaning to see for ages and find that balance you need.
Download Wendy’s book from www.wendyshand.com.
Life is a balancing act