'Music re-centers me'
Tina Oldham is mum to Freddie, eight, and Maja, six, and lives
in Maidenhead, near Boulters Lock. She works for Comment8, Lane4's Internal Comms Practice in Bourne End, but in her
spare time she loves to sing. She is about to release her own album and tomorrow night, she is performing at the Media Hub at Moor Hall in Cookham...
'I have been singing for as long as I can remember. I was born in Berlin,
into a musical family, and was surrounded by musicians all throughout my childhood. Music is what re-sets me – it re-centers me after a tough day. It is my creative outlet, something that is so unique to every musician. I sing songs from all sorts of genres, but my background is in Jazz. I love getting into the story of a song, and re-interpret and tell my own story with the melody and lyrics someone else crafted.
'I sang in front of an audience for the first time at age 11. I will never
forget the applause and the nice words afterwards. Since then I have come
to learn that singing in front of an audience is both the most scary and the most thrilling thing for me. It's like exhibiting a piece of art. There is nothing better than someone appreciating that, and nothing more disheartening
than someone ignoring it!
'Singing is like running – if you don't do it, you loose your fitness, your flexibility, your tone. I have been taking singing lessons since I was 13. I still do every now and then because I love learning new techniques and skills. There is so much I don't know!
'Now I sing at different private functions – weddings, funerals and bar mitzvahs, pubs, bars, hotels, clubs. I work a lot with Laurie Holloway and the Montgomery Holloway Music Trust.
'For the past two years, I have been working on my own material – I have been collaborating with my producer Robbie Bronnimann. I am so excited that my album is about to be released. For a sneak pre-listen, visit soundcloud/tinaoldham or email me (t.oldham@btinternet.com) for a copy!
'My favourite stage moment was a few years ago in a pub in Holyport. Laurie Holloway and his trio were performing, and I had tagged along to sing a few songs. It wasn't the biggest audience I have ever sung to, it wasn't a huge stage with a grand piano, but everything about the evening was perfect – it was a balmy summer evening, a light breeze and it just felt magical.
'I have musicians who inspire me, from Tony Bennett to Goldfrapp, Joni Mitchell and Beyonce, Paolo Nutini to Robyn, Nina Simone... the list is endless and diverse.
'I'm available for bookings. And I am very happy to be supporting the Media Hub tomorrow night with my fantabulous pianist Alex Hutton! Check him out at .'
For more information on Tina, visit