Musician mum Julia Bentley Dawkes lives in Cookham with her hubby and two children, and founded Concertini – concerts for children and their grown-ups!
I live in Station Road in Cookham with my husband and two children. I was born in Cookham and have always lived in the area. I love it, and can’t imagine living anywhere else. I am a musician, flute teacher and founder of Concertini.
I knew from a very early age that I wanted a career in the music industry. I was very fortunate to have been surrounded by all sorts of music growing up. My father was, and still is, the principal oboist in the Royal Ballet Sinfonia and my grandfather was a well known Jazz trombonist playing in the bands of Ted Heath and Jack Hylton. My mother is a local piano teacher and early music enthusiast, and my sister teaches the violin. I also perform in a flute duo with my sister-in-law Victoria Dawkes.
After I graduated from music college in Leeds, I worked in several bars and clubs, which was great as I got to listen to live music every night. However, I wasn’t playing myself so I decided to move back, which is when I started working at Dawkes Music Shop in Maidenhead, where I worked until 2006. I also started training to teach the flute using a wonderful method of teaching called the Suzuki Method. It was developed in the 1940s by the violinist educator and humanitarian Dr Shinichi Suzuki and is based on the theory that, if all children can naturally learn to speak their own language to a high level, they can also learn other skills, such as playing the flute, in the same way. Dr Suzuki realised that although children develop at different rates and to different degrees, every child can develop their musical ability to a high level as they do with language. The aim of the Suzuki method is to make it easy for all children to learn and to enjoy making music to the best of their ability. Children can derive great benefits from learning to play a musical instrument, benefits that will extend into other parts of their lives, both educationally and socially.
When my first child was born I discovered that despite there being lots of wonderful activities out there, it was difficult to find something that we could both enjoy. I was also struggling to find opportunities to listen to live music with a baby in tow. When number two came along I found it even harder and as I passionately believe in nurturing a love of music from an early age, I decided to set up Concertini.
Concertini is a series of monthly concerts for children and their grown-ups. Launched during the Cookham Festival in 2015, each ‘Concertini’ features a different live musician or ensemble and is produced in a relaxed and enjoyable way.
Pieces are kept short and accessible, and children are able to move around and interact with the music if they want to. Concerts last around 45 minutes and are currently scheduled to take place in Cookham, Maidenhead, Marlow and Bourne End. Refreshments are available after each concert, and include tea, coffee, cake
and biscuits, plus children's drinks. Colouring and musical worksheets are also
available after each concert. Everyone is welcome but individual concerts are
advertised for specific age groups, such as babies up to walking, preschoolers
and children age over five.
The purpose of each Concertini is to introduce children to different styles of music
and musical instruments, and to provide an affordable opportunity for parents and carers to listen to live music with their children in a relaxed community setting.
Whether it be learning an instrument or not, my aim is to inspire and to nurture
a life-long love of music.
There are so many things I like about Concertini. I love meeting and getting to hear
so many wonderful musicians, but I guess the thing I like best is seeing children, in particular the preschoolers, interacting with the music in a totally natural way. Some children like to dance around, some like to lie on the floor and others just sit and listen, but trust me, it’s all sinking in! I also like that I can work around school/nursery and naps and I don’t have anyone telling me what to do. Juggling everything is a bit challenging sometimes but I do enjoy every aspect of it.
There have been lots of memorable concerts to date. Local cellist, Alex Garrett, was fantastic and the Alba flute and guitar duo are always wonderful, but I think my favourite concert has to be our ‘Show Time’ concert featuring the Noteworthy Vocal quartet (there’s a lovely video of them on our Facebook page). I’m also really looking forward to our first Big Band Concertini, which will take place in the theatre at Norden Farm on August 14th. Come along!
Upcoming Concerts
Concertini has been nominated for best new activity for children in the international What’s on 4 Little Ones award.
You can vote for them by visiting http://www.whatson4littleones.co.uk/award-voting.asp (they’re the 9th category from the bottom)
Our next concert is on Wednesday 11th May at Cookham Rise Methodist Church and features the The Pied Pipers of Cookham – flute duo. It’s a very special concert as it’s our first birthday! The concert starts at 11.15am with doors opening at 11am and will be followed by refreshments (including birthday cake).
We will also be having a Concertini for George on Saturday 16th July at 3.30pm. George is a local boy who is fighting Acute Myeloid Leukaemia. I teach his big sister the flute and George and his little brother Henry love listening to live music. The concert will be followed by a Teddy Bears' Picnic and all proceeds will go to charity.
Tickets are £7.50 for Adults (Children FREE) and can be reserved by emailinginfo@concertini.co.uk
For more information please visit www.concertini.co.uk