U Can Run

Cookham mum Sarah Walker has trained to become a running coach, and recently set up her new company, U Can Run. She works with individuals and groups, from beginners to the more advanced athletes, to help them achieve their running goals...
Tell me about you and your family...
I am a mum of three boys aged four, six and eight, so I need to run to keep up
with them! I live in Cookham and have done so for the past 11 years – I moved out of London before having children as I had had enough of the city; I wanted to be able to enjoy countryside on my doorstep. I love living in Cookham as it is such a wonderful community full of amazing people, countryside and amenities. I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else now!
Tell me about your new running/fitness business...
My new company is called U Can Run. I have trained with British Athletics to become a running coach. I am working with individuals and groups to help them achieve their running goals, from beginners to the more advanced athletes. So many people think there is nothing to running, but there is so much more to it
to ensure people stay injury-free and really enjoy it. I really want to focus on technique, strength and confidence with my runners.
Have you always been interested in doing this? What do you like about
it the most?
I didn’t have the confidence when I was at school to really get involved in sport, which anyone who knows me now finds very hard to believe! I really think that with sport, confidence is such an important factor. I started doing sport in
my early twenties and haven’t looked back since, taking part in everything from rowing and cycling to tennis. I love running as it is such a social sport that you can do anywhere, in any condition, and really enables you to explore the local area. It also makes you feel so good afterwards and means I don’t have to hold back with my food, which I love! This is really important having just eaten my body weight in chocolate over Easter...
What prompted you to decide to take it that bit further and start your
own business?
Running has given so much to me post-children and during the testing times in life. I want to give people the confidence that they can do it, and enable them to achieve their potential and meet their goals. I know that there are lots of people around during the daytime who like to run, so it seemed like the perfect fit. I love being around people and working with people. It is also great to be working with Cookham Running Club, who have been so supportive of me.
What did you do before?
My career has been a bit of a varied one. I started work in the marketing agency world, generally working on car accounts. My next move was to BMW working in their marketing department. More recently, I have been working as a marketing consultant focussing on Leadership Communications.
Did you have to do any courses or training for your business?
Yes, I have completed the England Athletics Running Leaders course and then the British Athletics Running Coaches course. There was a lot of information to take in but it was so informative – I learnt so much that will help me with my running, and
I can’t wait to put it in practise with my classes.
Have you undertaken any challenges yourself?
I have taken part in lots of 5k and 10k runs, and completed my first half marathon when my youngest son was one. I have also taken part in cross-country races and duathlons. I like to try out a new challenge every year. I am cycling from London to Paris this month. My running challenge is yet to be selected, I know I need to do that marathon soon...
What's your favourite run/route?
My favourite run is a really tough question as I have so many that I love around here. One that sticks out has to be running through the woods in Cookham and Pinkneys Green around this time of year, when the bluebells come out – it is really such a wonderful sight.
Where do you like to go with the kids on the weekend?
Anywhere outdoors to run off a bit of their energy in the woods, or on a bike ride…before heading back for a treat at Costa and then maybe a celebratory dinner at Pizza Dreams. We are so spoilt around here, with so many great places to visit. One of their favourites is a daytrip to Legoland. I think I know the pirate show off by heart now!
Where do you get your inspiration/what keeps you motivated?
I am quite good at self-motivation – I am a determined person who doesn’t like to give up or be defeated in anything. It was drummed into me during my childhood (my mum was a teacher, say no more, but also the most wonderful loving and supportive mum I could ask for). My children are an enormous motivator for me
– it has really sparked their enthusiasm seeing me run races and they are keen to get involved and have the confidence to, which me makes me so proud. It is also great to see them being proud of me with my new venture – they love calling me ‘coach Sarah’!
Anything else we don't know about you?
At university, I studied for a Music degree – but not being a natural performer and enjoying socialising a lot more than the other music graduates, I quickly adjusted my degree to incorporate as many business modules as possible. But I still ended up with a degree in Music!
I also love an afternoon siesta – great when the boys were younger, but not so easy these days...
So, when are your courses?
My next Couch 2 5k course starts on Friday 9th June. On Wednesday mornings, starting tomorrow (3rd May) I will be running an intermediate class for people who are already running, who would like to push their running onto the next level. The first class will be on Wednesday 26th April and it will run weekly from the Moor car park in Cookham starting at 9.45am. I will do a different type of session each week with this class, culminating in a timed 5k so people can track their progress. People are welcome to drop in for the Wednesday class – it is £10 per class drop-in or I am offering a reduced price for people booking blocks of three sessions at £8 each.
Visit https://www.facebook.com/ucanruncookham/?ref=bookmarks
And coming soon, ucanrun.co.uk