The Media Hub got Muddy at 3rd birthday bash

On Monday, I'm proud to say the Media Hub celebrated its third birthday at the Botanist in Marlow, with a talk by Muddy Stilettos’ Hero Brown.
Our networking group for people in the Media has come a long way in the past three years. From humble beginnings, when there were just eight of us gathered round a table in the local pub for our first meeting, we have branched out to other locations, we offer workshops and presentations, and have welcomed guest speakers such as Theresa May, Olympic Gold Medallist Adrian Moorhouse and Click reporter Dan Simmons among others.
For our birthday bash, my colleague Sarah Parfitt and I invited fellow journo and blogger, the brilliant Founder & Editor-in-Chief of Muddy Stilettos Hero Brown to share her Top 10 Tips on how to create a must-read blog.
A national journalist for over 20 years for the likes of Red, Elle, The Observer and The Independent, Hero started her regional lifestyle blog in 2012, while at home on the Bucks/Oxon borders looking after her three young children. Dubbed ‘the urban guide to the countryside’, the blog has grown to be one of the biggest and most influential lifestyle blogs in the UK.
So why is it so popular? Hub members leaned in closer to hear the success story. "This is who I am, I'm comfortable with that and I think that's why readers connect with Muddy," Hero began.
About 40 attendees listened as Hero highlighted her Top Tips on How to be a Brilliant Blogger:
1. Be your own self-publicist. "I want everyone to know about my brand, I live and breathe it," Hero says. "If you don't believe in it, no one else will."
2. Post regularly and be organised. "If you want to grow your blog, posting once every two weeks won't cut it. Be regular. Don't bombard people with stuff, though – it has to be relevant. And have a calendar of forward-planned features."
3. Think of a great idea. "What are you offering that no one else can give?"
4. Know your reader – don't make the mistake of trying to be all things to everyone. "I always say that Muddy isn't about me – it's about the reader."
5. Write for your reader. "If you want to write about yourself, get a diary. To blog is to write for others because you want readers, you want connection."
6. Be yourself. "Don't pretend to be something you're not. Write authentically, be passionate, and you'll have a real connection with your readers."
7. Talk to your readers. "Conversation is a two-way thing. When someone emails you, message them back, involve them. Engage your readers in every which way you possibly can."
8. Give stuff away that people want. "It will drive new readers onto your blog and please the readers you already have."
9. Keep it short. "If people want to read a feature, they'll pick up a magazine. Keep blogs short, with lots of pictures, broken up with subheadings. Make your words count."
10. Be patient and don't give up. "Professional bloggers need to be in it for the long-haul. It is hard work and can take years to succeed.
Hero hoped her talk would inspire others to either have a go at blogging, improve their existing sites or help turn their hobby into a career. She concluded: "If you have a great idea, can write intelligently for your readers, know how to market yourself, and have the hustle, it can work."
After the talk at the buzzing new Marlow eatery and cocktail bar, the guests mingled and took part in a special cocktail masterclass, enjoyed the canapes and listened to live music. To round off the evening's celebrations, the birthday cake – made by Nelmarie Rennison of The PaperCup Kitchen in Maidenhead and depicting images of all the Media Hub's events over the past three years – was cut by London 2012 Paralymic Gold Medallist and six-times world champion rower Naomi Riches.
A wonderful night was had by all, and I want to say a big thank you to our sponsors – The Botanist, Cloud DNA, Mah Images, the PaperCup Kitchen and Purinto Printing for all your help and support.
For more information, visit Tickets cost £15 – or sign up for annual membership to come to all six meetings for £60. Email us at For more info on the Media Hub, visit