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Find your still small voice of calm

Do you ever feel crazy busy, stressed or tired? Have you got a busy job, as well as looking after children? Then go along to the Soul Service at Holy Trinity on Sunday and enjoy the calm, reflective atmosphere of the church, listen to some great music and inspiring readings, and have some much-needed time to sit quietly and reflect...

I caught up with Caroline Donald, a local mother of two (aged eight and five) from Cookham, who works four days a week as European Head of Legal for an asset manager in London, who came up with the idea of a Soul Service.

So what's it all about?

The Soul Service It's to find your "still small voice of calm". Anyone can go, but it's specifically aimed at local 25–55-year-olds who don't usually go to church. We hope it might encourage people to start a spiritual journey...

This age group typically don't attend church because they don't have time for longer services on a Sunday morning – and they feel fraudulent going if they don't believe or understand most of it. We are trying to cater for that gap.

First, the vicar will explain what it's all about and that the church is for the community so we should feel we can use it more, then they'll be 15 minutes of Mindfulness led by a Buddhist meditation coach, then 15 minutes of music and 15 minutes of readings. At the end, you get to enjoy a glass of bubbly (prosecco and elderflower) and a mingle.

How did you get involved?

I suffered a bereavement and it made me reassess priorities. When I was in need the church looked after me, so now I want to look after them. I don't always know what I do believe but I've realised that neither does anyone else most of the time, and I know that everything the church teaches makes sense in some way, so I don't let that stop me getting involved.

When I heard that faith meant that you weren't sure otherwise you'd be dogmatic, something chimed. If our generation doesn't step up – ageing or non-existent congregations and crumbling buildings will be the norm.

I took a career break, joined the Parish Council as one of their youngest members and brainstormed the idea with a friend – I put together a proposal, got a budget, instructed a design agency in Marlow run by a local mum to do a logo, Facebook page and Mailchimp account...

People have used these special Soul Services to find the space to deal with serious illness or bereavement in the family, workplace stress, family or money issues.

There is a £3 entry fee to cover costs and contribute to church funds...


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