Leader needed for Cookham Beavers and Cubs

Cookham Scouts are seeking new leaders for their Beaver and Cub sections. There is currently insufficient leadership to run the Tuesday evening Beaver meeting.
The Scout Group needs one person, or a team job-share, to step in to provide long-term uniformed leadership for the Beavers. Without this, very reluctantly, they will have to close the Tuesday Beavers, depriving 24 children of their Scouting experience.
Much of the structure to run the Tuesday sessions is already in place, including the programme, a supportive team including an experienced assistant and a parent rota. The Tuesday programme is the same as that of the Monday sessions (also over-subscribed).
You would not have to start immediately, and leadership training will be provided.
The leadership role includes:
- working together with the Monday leaders to plan future programmes
- leading the team each meeting, planning who does what and being responsible for safety
- completing Scout leadership and first-aid training, much of which is available on-line
If you volunteer you will be certain of your child getting a place!
Please email keith_le_page@hotmail.com.