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Christmas teatime Cookham-style!

Family tea time was so much valued by world-renowned painter, Stanley Spencer, that he used to return early from his daily attendance at the Slade Art College in London, just to be back for tea.

Pop down to the Stanley Spencer Gallery in Cookham to explore the internationally acclaimed exhibition The Creative Genius of Stanley Spencer. Follow up with Christmas Tea Time at the Teapot Tea Shop, re-creating Stanley Spencer’s own much-loved family tea time, with special LOW Christmas prices at the Gallery and Tea Shop. £8.50 (total) for adult. £3.50 (total) for child.

There's plenty for the children to do, and activity sheets and colouring free of charge at both locations.

Tea: Cream tea OR Heaped bread with jam, Stanley Spencer style, and mince pie.

Buy tickets for Stanley Spencer’s Christmas Tea Time from the Stanley Spencer Gallery or online.

Further details at

Tickets allow visitors to attend on any opening day until 3rd Jan 2016, Thursdays to Sundays only (except 24 December pm, 25, 26 and 1 Jan) 11.00am to 4.30pm.

If preferred, do first reserve a table at the Teapot Tea Shop. Tel 01628 529514 or

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