Host a French family!

Journalist Sarah Parfitt and her son, Joshua recently took part in the Cookham Twinning Association trip to Saint Benoit with 12 others. So what was it like?
At the end of October, my eight-year-old son, Joshua, and I headed off to Saint Benoit in western France with the Cookham Twinning Association. Ironically, almost 600 years ago to the day, on Friday, 25th October 1415, the Battle of Agincourt took place culminating in a major English victory against France and ultimately in a divided Europe.
As we crossed the Channel to Saint Malo, Joshua and I reflected on how lucky we were to live in a more united Europe in the 21st Century. We also chatted about all the adventures we were about to have during our culturally and linguistically-enriching, action-packed four days. With kids in the school holidays, the fun factor is key – il doit être amusant!
We have been involved with the Cookham “jumelage” for the last two years, and have maintained close contact with our lovely French family – Marie-Anne, Christian, Lucie (18), Theo (16) and Baptiste (11), whom we personally nominate as France’s best ambassadors! It is wonderful to see how the family friendship has burgeoned over the last couple of years.
No sooner had Joshua and I walked through the door than he and Baptiste were playing on the Xbox and exchanging stories. Joshua couldn’t believe his luck! He had no idea that nerf-gun mania had spread to France or that he and our French hosts’ children shared a passion for the Rugby World Cup. A reminder that despite living in different European countries, there is more that unites us than divides us.
Highlights of our visit included a welcome party hosted by our French hosts with a jazz band from Saint Benoit, a visit to the French theme-park Futuroscope and a trip to La Rochelle and Ile de Re where Joshua claims to have tasted “the best ever calamari and chips”. We also sampled some other French culinary delights, took some wild photos and Joshua had a cherished game of footie on the beach.
One other great aspect of the trip is that we got to practise some French and pick up some new words and phrases from, as Joshua put it, “real French people”. It was about his age that I discovered the insatiable joy of learning a foreign language, a window to a wider world. My French is rather rusty now, but I still get really excited about using it. Every linguistic conquest is empowering.
If you are reading this, and are interested in hosting a French family next October, don’t procrastinate! It will be a life-changing experience. We have the scrapbook and a suitcase of memories to prove it! Please contact Keith Le Page and find out more: 07715 161 069. À bientôt!