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The right frame of mind

There is far more to having a home tastefully hung with works of art than simply buying a picture. Choosing the right design, mount and frame to suit both the subject of the painting and the room in which it will hang also requires skill, judgment and taste.

From imposing old masters and still lifes, to delicate drawings or oils and acrylics, to prints and canvases, the frame can make or break your picture. I caught up with Gillian from the ByGillian Gallery in Bourne End to hear her advice...

When choosing the right frame for children’s photographs there is whole array of framing ideas out there, ranging from simple to ornate and antique frames, Gillian says. With children’s photography the images can range from gentle soft pictures to big, modern fun shots, which can be in the form of large prints or canvases.

For many of us, a trip to the photographer means not just having one, but many great shots, and leaves us wondering: How do we frame all photographs cost effectively without costing the earth? This usually means having to discard many and choose only one or two photographs.

But Gillian says there are many ways you can frame these photos with a stylish look from using soft, delicate hand-painted frames, or if you want to create impact, a simple boxed wooden frame in a bright, bold colour gives the wow factor.

Alternatively, you can create a montage by printing or placing many of photographs together to create a wealth of images in one frame to show the passing of time. For a modern and stylish look, try choosing four images and having them mounted with four apertures and placed within a square mount with a box frame. Stunning!

In a world where almost everything is mass-produced, there are few areas of life which we can afford the pleasure of creating and commissioning something made by hand. But framing your child or family photographs can be such a personal and enjoyable experience. After all, children grow up so quickly, it can be a joy to capture these memories.

If you want some personal advice from Gillian and frames at affordable prices, pop into the ByGillian Gallery or call them on 01628 527720.

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