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Sponsor a brick at Oaken Grove children’s maze!

There's going to be a fun fruit-shaped maze made up of winding ground-level brick footpaths at Oaken Grove Park. One path will lead to the centre where there will be a bench and a drinking fountain. And you can own your own brick in the maze and have your names engraved on it! So not only can you enjoy doing the maze, you can have fun finding your special brick too, plus forever be a part of the park.

The engraved bricks need to be purchased, but once installed, they're in for good. And when you buy one, you will be making a 10% contribution towards the Thames Valley Adventure Playground charity. They are hoping, with your help, to raise £1,000.

There are two brick sizes on offer: the regular one (2 lines of wording) is £40, and the larger one (4 lines) is £75. You are allowed 16 characters on each line, which includes spaces. The larger bricks are limited to 40 being able to purchase. All bricks to be randomly positioned. Order closing date: 31 May 2015. The maze will be built Autum 2015.

For more info, email

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