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The Media Hub's first gathering of the new year took place last Friday – a breakfast workshop to turbocharge your bu

siness strategy in 10 easy steps. The networking group, set up by Parfitt Media and to bring media types together, was held at the Bel & the Dragon in Cookham.

At this free workshop, Cookham-based journalist Sarah Parfitt and I, who host the hub, introduced Gay Flashman from social media agency Formative, who revealed how you can take your social media to the next level.

Former Chanel 4 News Managing Editor and Social Media Blogger Gay took our 13 attendees through 10 inspiring steps to improve their social media content and presence.

Gay says: ‘Social media and original content are vital aspects of any marketing plan these days, whether you're a large or small business, but for many people the whole subject area is just a blur of buzz words and new platforms. I like to focus on practical, actionable advice for getting the most out of your online content and digital PR.’

While the attendees sipped on their coffees, they learnt just how important social media marketing is, how to improve their content marketing on Facebook, using Twitter to engage, how to take their linkedin profile and publishing to the next level, and were given a quick trot through Pinterest, Instagram and some of the other sites that are now vital for business.

Members were quick to use the tips they had been given – they were seen commenting about the workshop on social media sites afterwards.

Member Marissa Holden wrote: 'A great workshop. Intelligent, relevant and insightful into how to get the best out of social media. Just wish it was longer! I'd highly recommend Gay Flashman.'

Attendee Rosalind Sack wrote: 'What a motivating start to the day!'

Journalist, media trainer and consultant Sarah Parfitt says: ‘Last year was an incredibly successful one for the Media Hub, which has gone from strength to strength, welcoming speakers such as the Home Secretary Theresa May. And we were delighted to kick off 2015 with a really useful workshop by Gay Flashman.’

Our next Media Hub will be at 8pm on Wednesday 11th February at the Bel & the Dragon. Filmmaker and photographer Paulo Coll will be talking about how he uses drones or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to capture stunning aerial images before the members enjoy drinks and canapes.

To register for the Media Hub, you need to join the Facebook page at Booking via Eventbrite is also essential.


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