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Award-winning Berkshire-based baby and toddler languages class expands across the UK

Baby and toddler programmes 'Baby Loves Spanish' and 'Baby Loves French' run by 'BilinguaSing LTD' have been going since May 2013 in Windsor, Maidenhead and Farnham Royal.

The Maidenhead-born company now celebrates the start of 2015 with the opening of new branches in nearby Wokingham and Reading, and also has franchises in South Bucks, East Lancs, Warks and Hants.

Parents and young children can learn a new language in a bilingual environment, which supports child development through music, singing, movement and play. They also run classes for primary school children.

Due to popular demand, the classes are expanding locally too. They are due to start running at Jennett's Park Community Centre, Bracknell, from this week, as well as in other venues in Wokingham, Crowthorne and Reading.

Founder Ellie Baker, a former Burnham Grammar School languages teacher, said: 'The best time for anyone to learn a new language is while they are still learning their own. This is why people who were exposed to a second language from birth or toddlerhood end up speaking more than one language effortlessly. It’s a real gift to give a second language to our little ones.'

Free taster classes will be run in January. For more information, email or visit

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