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Helen Elphick is a mum to three children, Milly, seven, Woody, five, and Drake, 16 months, and also has a stepdaughter, Jodie, 15. She lives in Cookham and her younger children attend Holy Trinity School. She's recently become involved with planning and running the 1st Cookham Brownies. Helen is cycling 300 miles to Paris for the Alzheimer's Society. Here's what she has to say, 24 hours before she embarked on her challenge...

'I'm doing this ride for a number of reasons. Firstly, it's a great opportunity to raise money for the Alzheimer's Society. I also enjoy a challenge, working towards a goal, and it's a great way to keep fit.

'I enjoy sports. I've done a number of triathlons and a handful of half/full marathons. I've not cycled this sort of distance before but I've enjoyed training. Sadly, I've not had the chance to do many long bike rides in training but I've done a few two/three-hour rides at a reasonable pace and think that will be enough.

'I've woken up this morning feeling rotten, 24 hours before the start. The kids have picked up colds and bugs at school, and I think I've got one of these. However, I shall be taking some aspirin, lots of fluid and putting mind over matter. So I'm confident of managing the seven-nine hour cycle each day for four days. I'm just keeping everything crossed for dry weather and hoping Jason doesn't forget one of the kids while I'm away. Wish me luck!

'Please see below a link to my Just Giving Page. I'm hoping to raise £500 for the Alzheimers' Society and would be delighted with any amount you can spare.'

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