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Essentials for Health based in Marlow has declared it National Massage Day on Friday 16th May, where everyone in the UK is encouraged to reach out and touch someone they care for.

National Massage Day is being launched by Gill Tree of Essentials for Health and aims to help us understand the positive effects of touch and massage.

In 1989, Gill had a wake-up call after getting lost on Mount Kenya and being forced to survive, on her own, for five days on the mountain. It was this that eventually led her to the therapeutic benefits of massage.

Touch is instinctive and natural. It is part of human nature and yet we, as a

society, often remain inhibited. We also perceive massage as a luxury - rather

than a necessary treatment for a healthy lifestyle.

'Everyone in the UK is encouraged to use simple massage techniques on a

colleague, friend, or someone they care for. It’s time we understood that

touch is not something to be feared – it’s to be welcomed and celebrated as an

essential part of a healthy life,' says Gill.

A number of events are planned around the UK including a giant conga line on

Westminster Bridge at 3pm on Friday. People are encouraged to join the conga and give the person in front of them, whose shoulders their hands are resting on, a mini shoulder massage. After all, that’s one of the best parts of being in a conga line!

If you can’t join the 1000s on Westminster Bridge, then you’re invited to

create your own conga line – in your office, your playground, the local park or

anywhere that works for you!

For more information about National Massage Day, visit http://www.national- and

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