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Is your partner the loudest snorer in the world? Do you sympathise with Mr Bear in the book Peace at Last? Or do you have a disturbed night because you keep waking yourself up because you're snoring?

Snoring. It's so annoying, isn't it? Whether it's your partner who keeps you awake all night, or yourself. But nobody should suffer as a result of it because the great news is the condition can be treated.

National Stop Snoring Week (from 28th April - 3rd May) is run by the British Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Association to raise awareness about solving this huge problem. 41.5% of the UK adult population snore but the BSSAA is encouraging you to find out what's at the root of your snoring habits, break them and start to breathe easier!

So what causes snoring? When we're asleep we lose muscle tone in our upper airway and so it narrows. This reduction of breathing space can cause snoring. There may also be the additional problem of swollen tissue, congestion or a deformity, plus eating too much, drinking a lot of alcohol and allergies can all also irritate and block the airway.

Sleep Apnoea is a condition where breathing temporarily ceases during sleep. This automatically forces the sufferer to wake up in order to start breathing again. This can happen many times during the night, making it hard for the body to get enough oxygen, and obtain good quality sleep.

You need to find the cause of the problem and then treat it accordingly. By doing a few simple tests you can find out what kind of snorer you are. The BSSAA 90-day Snore-No-More Plan is a step-by-step guide to resolving a snoring problem. For more information, visit

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