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You may remember journalist and Cookham Running Club member Sarah Parfitt was looking for a local sports company to donate running kits to deserving Ethiopian runners from impoverished backgrounds. And now she's found one - Runner's Retreat.

Brian Bower and his business partner Matt Whiting own the small specialist running shop in West Street, Marlow, and they have kindly agreed to provide some running gear.

During a visit to Ethiopia in December, Sarah joined a group of local athletes who are supported by a charity called Ethiopia Reads and did an impromptu 5km run around Mount Entoto, which is more than 3,000 metres above sea level.

'We had only just touched down in Addis Ababa when I received the invitation. It was such a unique opportunity that I just couldn’t say “no”,' say Sarah. 'I nearly needed a push up the mountain at one point when the altitude and malaria tablets had kicked in!'

Sarah says she was very touched by the warm welcome the runners gave her. 'Even though I don’t speak any Amharic, that didn’t matter because their enthusiasm for running shone through,' she says. 'They all want to represent their country one day. The problem is that it’s difficult for them to pay for running gear as they all come from very poor backgrounds and their families are struggling to survive. I thought it would be wonderful if we could send over some kit and trainers to give them a helping hand.'

And now she can with the help of Runner's Retreat. Brian Bower says: 'We have been trading for two and a half years now and have hopefully established ourselves within the local running community as the place to come for great shoes, kit and advice, or just a chat and coffee. Running is still an ever-increasing activity enjoyed by many who realise the health benefits both mentally as well as physically, not forgetting of course it can leave you with amazing positivity and happiness brought on by endorphins released during exercise.

'Throughout the year, we endeavour to help and support as many groups as we can afford, but this will be the first time we have been able to assist in a small way runners on another continent. On the world stage, Ethiopia has produced a number of iconic athletes and they share many of the long-distance world records between themselves and Kenya. However, in general, life is hard for them, and if by providing some kit we can help a few more runners enjoy their sport, then we would be very happy.'



Photograph by Mike Goldwater.

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