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March is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month... Ovarian cancer is the second most common gynaecological cancer in the UK and 7,000 women are diagnosed each year in the UK. A woman has a one in 50 chance of developing ovarian cancer in her life, and cervical screening tests will not detect this type of cancer.


Maidenhead mother of two, Shelley Hand, is organising a children’s Shiny Happy Ball at St Pirans School on 23 March to raise money for Ovarian Cancer Action. Sima from Sima’s Action Kids will join other friends in ensuring that the afternoon is one to remember.

The event, which is aimed at primary-school-aged children has already sold out, but Shelley is looking for some raffle prizes and party-bag fillers if any local companies can help.

One of the highlights of the afternoon will be Shelley’s son, Tom, and Furze Platt Boys performing the Beatles song 'I saw you standing there.'

'It’s going to be an amazing afternoon and I am so happy to be able to be a part of it,' said Sima Stannage. 'I have known Shelley for three years and she never ceases to inspire everyone she meets. As a mother myself with similar aged children, it’s a privilege to support her.'

Shelley, who has two children, Tom, 11, and Molly, 6, who attend Furze Platt Infant and Junior School, was diagnosed with ovarian cancer three years ago, and more recently doctors found cancerous cells on her right lung.

Shelley said: 'Ovarian cancer is known as a silent killer. I am urging people not to be silent. I want people to be banging drums about it. I am hoping that this Shiny Happy Party will not just raise money for research into ovarian cancer, but that it will also raise awareness. Last October, we organised a grown-ups ball where we raised £17,000, and my children said they wanted one, so this is it.'

Her children, Tom and Molly, have been great ambassadors for their mum’s event and have both individually spoken at morning assemblies at their school.

'Being 11, Tom fully understands what is going on, but I don’t think Molly is fully aware,' Shelley said. 'The other day, she asked me whether I had "a little bit of the disease” or “a big bit of the disease”, so I tried to explain. We just live for the moment.'

Back in 2011, Shelley went to the doctor’s after experiencing some bloating in her stomach. She had no pain and was expecting it to be a minor ailment. But after carrying out some tests, her consultant told her that she had tumours on her ovaries It was only as she left the doctor’s surgery and was talking to her husband that the reality of the situation dawned on her – she had a genetic form of ovarian cancer.

'I just couldn’t digest my prognosis at the time - it was so unexpected. I need to keep myself busy and enjoy the distraction of organising fundraising events,' Shelley said. 'Ovarian Cancer Action does invaluable work in researching new treatments for the disease. As I have a hereditary form of the disease, my children, Tom and Molly, will both have to consider genetic testing in the future. I’d like to help give my children – and other people’s children - access to the best information and treatments out there.'

Shelley says that if you sense something is wrong, insist that your doctor gives you blood tests and 'don’t be fobbed off'. They have your future and your family's in their hands. She would like to see the introduction of health MOTs for women in their 30s and 40s.

Shelley continues: 'I have many more fundraising events up my sleeve, including walking the Race For Life in Windsor on 8 June, an event in London and another ball next spring,' Shelley said. 'Watch this space!'

For further information about the event, please contact Shelley Hand at or Sima Stannage on 07956 993 439.

If you would like to make a donation, please go to


*persistent pelvic or abdominal pain

*increased abdominal size/persistent bloating

8difficulty eating or feeling full quickly

*urinary symptoms (needing to wee more urgently or often than normal)

Ocasionally there are other symptoms

*changes in bowel habit

*extreme fatigue

*unexplained weight loss

For more info visit

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