February half term can be one of the trickiest school holidays. We're all sick of the cold, unpredictable weather and we're dreaming of warm spring days. It's a great time to make the most of being at home with the kids but the perfect image of being at home versus the reality can be two very different days! If you need some inspiration for a day or two, take a look at my pick of what is happening locally and a bit further afield. Have a great week and the warm days are just around the corner!
Wellington Country Park, Riseley Berks, Jct 11 of M4
The park re-opened this week after it's winter break with some new additions for 2019, including a pirate ship to explore, lots of new animal statues to spot on the train ride and more improvements will be in place ready for Easter.

Spitfire Simulator, Maidenhead Heritage Centre, Suitable for ‘pilots’ aged 8 or over
Thanks to Grandpa's Great Escape, I have two big spitfire fans, so decided to give this a go yesterday and they both loved it. The concentration on their faces while flying was a picture. Although suitable for 8 and over my 6 year old was able to have a go - he's tall to reach the pedals.
During half term take advantage the 2 for 1 flight offer, friendly volunteers provide instruction so that your pilot can make the most of the flight as you open the throttle and listen to the roar of the iconic Merlin engine you will travel back in time and become one of those famous Spitfire pilots of World War II, but flying round the Isle of Wight, over Windsor Castle or over 21st century London.

Half-term Family Archaeology and Craft, Maidenhead Heritage Centre
Thursday 21st Feb 10:30 – 12:30
Head for a morning of archaeological discovery, aeroplane making and clay model creating at Maidenhead Heritage Centre on Thursday. There will be the chance to excavate pottery in an archaeology sandpit to discover the fascinating things that have been found in the ground locally. Build, colour and flying your own Spitfire and paper aeroplanes and discover all about John Coopers brick works, and re-create some of Maidenheads’ unique clay tiles and figurines. Booking essential.
Maidenhead Heritage Centre

Forest Fun, Braywick Nature Centre - 20 & 21 Feb at 10am & 2pm
Den-building, woodland play and a campfire with marshmallows for everyone at Braywick Nature Centre
Booking essential

Brickies February Half Term LEGO Workshops, Maidenhead - 18 Feb Other dates and locations available
Inspire your little Lego fan with a 'Sea Quest' workshop this half term. A two hour session aimed at 5-12 year olds (4 year olds can join in too but they must have a parent present for the duration of the workshop) where they are presented with fun building challenges that link to the 'Sea Quest' theme - theres no right or wrong way to build, its all about having fun.

The Fox's Tail and other amazing adaptations, Windsor Great Park Environmental Centre, Windsor Great Park - 19 & 20 Feb
Why do foxes have tails? Why are sundew plants sticky? Why do moles have poisonous saliva?
Join the team at Windsor Great Park to find out - meet a medley of marvellous plants and animals and discover what they do and how they look helps them to survive. Indoor and outdoor activities celebrating the wonders of our native wildlife.
Activities are aimed at 4-11 year olds.

Lamb Watch at Odds Farm Park
Over 30 ewes will be ready to lamb at Odds Farm Park from this February Half Term! Head into the Lamb Nursery to meet the new arrivals, whilst you learn all about lambing from the farmers. Be sure to keep a close watch on the Ewes for signs of labour during your visit, as you may even be lucky enough to see a lamb being born!

Bluegrass Concertini at Norden Farm, Maidenhead - Tuesday 19 Feb at 11.30am & 2pm
A concert all about inspiring children and their grown-ups with live music in a relaxed and friendly environment. With tunes you'll know and others you won’t, this versatile band will transport you to Nashville via the Thames Valley and back again.
The 11.30am concert is a relaxed performance - ideal for families with babies and toddlers or children with SEND.
Booking essential: Norden Farm

Margo & Mr Whatsit, Norden Farm, Maidenhead - 18 Feb 11.30am & 2pm
No matter where Sophia finds herself living, her imaginary friend Mr Whatsit is always there with a new joke to tell and a new game to play.
But when she moves into her new foster home, he finds himself unimagined! Now Sophia has a new imaginary friend – Margo. Can Mr Whatsit’s childish playfulness keep him from being unimagined for good? This is a must see, Winner of the Best of Brighton Fringe Children and Family Show. Age guidance: 4+ years.
Booking essential: Norden Farm

Holiday Activity Days at Longridge Adventure Learning - 18 - 22 Feb
If you have an older one and need to burn off their energy, you can't go far wrong with a day or 2.... or 5 at Longridge. The holiday activity days are recommended for young people between the ages of 8 and 14 who are looking to explore some adventurous activities during the school holidays. For £40 and a packed lunch your tween gets four adventurous activities. Drop them off at 8.45 and don't go back till 5pm! You can also pay using your childcare vouchers.

Animalcom, Wycombe Swan - 17 Feb
Malcolm doesn’t like animals, which is a problem because his family love them. Their house is full of pets. What the house is NOT full of is stuff Malcolm likes. Such as the laptop he wanted for his birthday.
The only bright spot on the horizon is the Year Six school trip, which Malcolm never thought his parents would pay for. And yet there he is, on the bus, heading to… oh no. A farm.
After a bizarre school trip unlike any other, Malcolm begins to understand animals more deeply than anyone. But will he end up the same as before? Because sometimes the hardest thing to become is… yourself.
A vibrant, energetic and gloriously funny musical from the award-winning Story Pocket Theatre.
ANIMALCOLM combines physical theatre, puppetry and the company’s outstanding storytelling style to bring David Baddiel’s magical and wonderfully comic story to the stage.

Fire and Ice at the River & Rowing Museum, Henley - 21 Feb
Make a mini volcano and investigate all things meteorological as we explore extremes of temperature. Discover the Icelandic myths that inspired William Morris and design a troll to feature in your own story. Craft a sundial and a weather vane and help Mr Toad to do a weather forecast – will it be rain or shine?

Mole & Gecko: The Show, Norden Farm, Maidenhead - 20 Feb
A rapper and a singer. A mole and a gecko.
A river. A boat with no name.
A quest for adventure.
A quest with a duck!
Enjoy live songs, rap stories and instant poems as our heroes find out that what they thought they were searching for, might be less important than what they find along the way.

The Jelly Lounge - Windsor
This place is the best! Clean, excellent food and they serve prosecco, could a Soft Play get any better! The Jelly Lounge has lots of Workshops on over the the week, including slime club, mini chefs and arts & crafts. Sessions are £15 - £20 depending on the workshop.

Junior Forest School at Black Park- 20 Feb
This February half term Black Park are holding Forest School sessions for 5-10 year olds in our new and improved Black Pines Camp. There they will be able to hunt for bugs, scavenge in the forest, play with clay, build dens, create some woodland creatures and more.
Then they can finish off by relaxing next to a warm fire for some toasted marshmallows. The adventure will go ahead in most weathers so take suitable clothes and expect to get messy.
Book to join either the morning 10.00-11.30 or the afternoon 13.00-14.30 slot.

The Amazing Bubble Man, Norden Farm - 22 Feb at 11.30 & 3pm
A show combining comedy, artistry and audience participation with enough spellbinding bubble tricks to keep everyone mesmerized.
From square bubbles, bubbles inside bubbles, fog-filled bubbles, giant bubbles, bubble volcanoes, tornados and trampolines to people inside bubbles, the Amazing Bubble Man conjures shrieks of laughter and gasps of amazement from all ages.
Booking essential: Norden Farm

Kids eat for Free at Bel and The Dragon, Cookham 18 - 22 Feb
Bel and The Dragon are running their annual kids eat for free promo during this February's half term. Valid Monday - Fridau until 7pm each day, one child eats free for each adults A La Carte main purchased. Valid for children aged 12 and younger.
National Trust Properties
Cliveden, Half term Tree Trail
Cliveden is home to many wild and wonderful trees ready for little ones to learn about. In this trail they’ll take on the role of a nature detective and explore Cliveden’s gardens and woodlands, finishing up with a tree-themed craft to take home. Trails cost £2 per child plus usual admission prices to the estate (admission is free for National Trust members). The trail is recommended for ages 3+ and dog-friendly.
Hugenden Manor, Big BUg hunt
The adventure begins with a Bug Hunt. Become a nature detective and spot the bugs, gather materials to bring along to the great big bug build, learn about the beneficial bugs and the skills you need to make the perfect bug base to take home to encourage them into your garden.
Basildon Park
There's lots to keep you busy at Basildon Park this half term
Storytelling Sessions
The wonderful NT volunteers will be reading your favourite stories in the stableyard second-hand bookshop. Join them at 1pm everyday from 16-24 February and let your imaginations run wild.
Den Building
If you follow the way-marked walks you'll come across a sheltered dell in the woods where there's all kinds of materials to make the perfect shelter for you and your friends. Walk across the balance logs without toppling off and you'll definitely deserve a tea-room treat.
Parkland walks
Head out on one of the four way-marked walks and look out for robins and red kites flying above you, or see if you can spot some snowdrops blooming.