Amber Edlin, who lives in Cookham with her husband and two children, Lara, who has just
started Year Two, and Curtis, aged three, is celebrating the first birthday of her business, Sparky's Drama. Amber has worked in theatre, TV, commercials and films, and has also been a teacher at a number of drama schools and for franchises. Sparky’s Drama was born out of her love of teaching and a passion to bring professionally run classes to her local community.
Happy Birthday Sparky's. How has your first year been, and what are you doing to celebrate?
I can't believe Sparky's is one! We celebrated yesterday, and I decorated two Sparky's cakes and put up balloons. The children even sang Happy Birthday to Sparky's.
In my first year, my numbers have doubled, which I'm thrilled about. I'm still loving running the
classes and I feel very proud. It's hard work though, I put in many more hours outside of the days
I teach. There's a lot more than you imagine to running a business as opposed to just turning up
to teach a class. It's definitely been a huge learning curve, but I feel blessed to be doing the job
I love, teaching wonderful children and working for myself.
So what made you decide to set up your own drama classes?
As an actress who has worked in the industry professionally, I can pass on valuable techniques,
skills and knowledge, which I’ve learnt over 25 years in the business – something I wish I’d been
given at that age. I’d been teaching children at lots of different drama schools and franchises,
and always wanted to set up my own classes. My own children are no longer babies, so last year
was the time to start it!
I’ve seen the massive benefits performing can give children in their own confidence, imagination development and team skills. The skills taught in acting are also skills for life: speaking clearly and
using the voice/language well, posture, movement, team building, as well as understanding the feelings and emotions of people. As a teacher I find that every child has individual needs and goals, groups of children together form a group dynamic. My classes are tailored to boost confidence in each individual,
as well as to make sure the group have fun as a team.
From audition speeches to learning film terminology to devising scenes and plays, to improvisation
and games, to imaginative journeys, to making their own short films, everything is geared to the
individual age groups and dynamic within the class. Above all, it’s so much fun. I’m totally passionate about performing and I think children respond well when someone really cares about a subject.
Children are incredibly perceptive. I love my job!
'I’ve seen the massive benefits performing can give children in their
own confidence, imagination development and team skills.
The skills taught in acting are also skills for life'
What was it like working alongside Dame Judi Dench and Sir Ian McKellen in The Importance
of Being Earnest? What are they like?
Dame Judi Dench has always been a heroine of mine so I was very nervous at first to perfom with
her – but she was SO lovely. The most wonderful lady. I was surprised to find myself standing next
to her – both nervous, both about to enter onstage with her saying to me: ‘Oh why do we do it!’ Ian McKellen’s voice is just incredible – like chocolate. He was extremely professional at all times and
very warm and friendly. I also worked with husband and wife Tim West and Prunella Scales – again,
both extremely talented and lovely.
'Ian McKellen’s voice is just incredible – like chocolate'
You’ve been in EastEnders, London’s Burning, Heartbeat, Holby City and The Sins. Any gossip or
stories to share…?
Gosh – I don’t know where to start! All brilliant fun. I had a friend who was a regular in EastEnders when
I filmed that, so had a friendly welcome onset. The Heartbeat team are all brilliant fun – it was lovely
to film up in Goathland too, it’s so pretty up there. I had a scene with Robert Powell in Holby City – those
blue eyes... I’ll never forget him as Jesus of Nazareth! In The Sins my scene was with Pete Postlethwaite
and he was so lovely to work with. Very kind, thoughtful and generous to a budding new actress fresh
out of drama school.
Tell us more about your film work...
Being on a film set is a whole other world from the stage – it’s a really good idea to learn what each person does onset so that as a performer you can help make a fantastic film. Everyone has an
important part to play – and teamwork is key. You have to be incredibly patient and then be ‘ready
for your close-up’ in a second’s notice
For more information on Amber’s drama classes, see
Amber and RADA trained & BAFTA award winning actress Jane Trainer (LifeStage) are
running the drama section of the Marlow Festival of Music & Drama. To find out more, visit
Happy Birthday Sparky's Drama!

Amber Edlin
With Dame Judi and Sir Ian
As Christine Collins in Heartbeat
With fellow drama school graduate Justin Fletcher
In Daisy Pulls it Off
As Celimene in The Misanthrope