Crafty Cooks
Vicky Hern, originally from St Helens, Merseyside, moved to Maidenhead after graduating from university and has never left. She met her hubby, Mat, here and they have two beautiful daughters, Anna, five, and Eleanor, two. Vicky has recently
set up CraftyCooks in Maidenhead – great classes for children who want to learn cooking skills and for parents who dread the mess at home!
I used to work in the clinical research industry, running clinical trials for pharmaceutical companies. It’s an exciting and fast-paced career, but one
I struggled to manage with a young family. Like many working parents, we found the constant juggling of school, nursery, childminder pick-ups/drop-offs, not to mention after-school activities, exhausting! When Anna started school last year, we decided it was time to make a life-changing decision and leave corporate life behind to find something a little more family friendly and that is how
CraftyCooks Maidenhead was born!
My eldest daughter attended Crafty Cooks in Marlow when she was two and a half years old. She loved following the different recipes each week, and was very proud of her parcel of handmade goodies she got to take home. I loved the fact that they were small, personal class sizes and that she was learning life skills without even realising. I’ve always had a passion for cooking and therefore
CraftyCooks seemed the perfect fit.
I run the classes from my home in Maidenhead, every Thursday and Friday morning. They are primarily aimed at pre-school age children, aged two-five years old, however the recipes also work really well with older children as they can work independently. Classes are 45-60 minutes and the children follow a different recipe every week (see the example recipe, left). After washing their hands and putting on their aprons, we discuss the ingredients in front of them before following the recipe. Whilst their food is cooking, the children get involved in an activity, which often involves tasting new foods; mums of fussy eaters have been amazed when their little ones pop a blueberry in their mouth that would have resulted in a battle at home!
I also run Crafty Cooks parties for 3-13-year-olds. They are are a great alternative to a soft play, disco, pirate/princess party, as children get to make their own pizzas/cakes whilst the parents can be confident I’ll take all the mess away with me.
I’m very excited about my new venture and the future of Crafty Cooks Maidenhead. Teaching children basic cooking skills is invaluable. Most parents understand this but either lack the confidence to get them involved at home or dread the mess!
Please don’t hesitate to contact if you would like to discuss any aspect of CraftyCooks further:
07533 653066
For more tips on cooking with your children, read MumsaboutCookham.com's article here: