Cookham Nursery School is nestled in the heart of Cookham and is one of the first purpose-built Nursery Schools in the country. It
is maintained by the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead, offering free education provision of 15 hours per child per week.
All of the staff are highly trained teachers or nursery nurses with years of experience in early years education and are committed to ensuring the best possible outcomes for all children and their families. The staff work consistently to maintain tremendous high levels
of care, guide and support for the children and families. The focus is strongly on every aspect of pastoral care and ensuring that the children achieve very well in their learning and development.
Cookham Nursery School has been rated as an “Outstanding” School for the last three inspections.
Cookham Nursery School offers 80 places, on a part-time basis to local children. You may register your child with the Nursery for a
place during the academic year (1 September – 31 August) in which they turn two years of age. Registration forms are available from
our website or from the school office. Places are offered in accordance with our Admissions Policy which can be found on our website, www.cookhamnursery@rbwm.org.
Children can attend from the term after their third birthday, either five morning sessions (Monday – Friday 08:45am – 11:45am) or five afternoon sessions (12:30pm – 3:30pm), assuming there is a place available. The majority of children join us in September at the start of the academic year, with a few starting the following term in January.
In addition a limited amount of chargeable sessions are available to enable your child to do a full day at Nursery (08:45am – 3:30pm). These are booked termly on a first-come-first-served basis at a cost of £15 per additional three-hour session (plus £2 for
lunch club).
The Nursery runs a lunch club every day from 11:45 – 12:30am, giving the children the chance to eat their packed lunches in a friendly, social environment. Lunch Club currently costs £2 per day.
Stay & Play sessions (09:15 – 10:45am) run for parents/grandparents/carers and their toddlers on Wednesdays during term time. Activities include messy play, painting and play dough. Come and have a chat and let your child(ren) play in the garden. There are often outside visitors ranging from a Breastfeeding Representative and Dental Nurse to an Educational Psychologist. £2 per family to include a hot drink (adults) and healthy snack for the children.
The curriculum follows the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. There are seven areas of learning and development.
The three main areas are:
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Communication and Language
Physical Development
Once a child has solid development in these three areas, they are then able to move on to the following four specific areas:
Understanding the world
Expressive arts and design
Learning and teaching takes place in a variety of ways - in large groups, in small groups, and on an individual basis.
The children learn through planned play activities and are encouraged to experience a wide range of resources, both inside and outdoors, that will help them acquire the skills necessary for the early stages of reading, writing and mathematics.
In 2012, we federated with Maidenhead Nursery School and The Lawns Nursery School in Windsor, enabling us to share our “best practices” and learn from each other.
Why don’t you come and see the Nursery for yourself? Call 01628 520002 to arrange a visit.
We look forward to welcoming you.