Baby and toddler groups and stay and play sessions
All Saints Parent and Toddler Group, Maidenhead
Bourne End Mothers and Toddlers
Bray Mother and Toddler Group
Cookham Nursery School Stay & Play, www.cookhamnursery.org.uk
Cox Green Toddlers, Cox Green Community Centre, Maidenhead
Dot to Dot Parent and Toddler Group, The Kidwells Centre, Maidenhead
Herries Stay and Play, Cookham Dean, 01628 48335
Highview Toy Library, Highview, 6 North Road, Maidenhead, valerie@vbosley.plus.com
Holyport Parent and Toddler Group
Holy Trinity Parents and Toddlers, Cookham
LDD Stay and Play, Little Acorn Children's Centre. St Marks Hospital, Maidenhead,
Little Angels Parent and Toddler Group, Salvation Army Hall, Maidenhead
Maidenhead United Reformed Church Drop-in, www.maidenheadurc.org.uk
Marlow Parent and Toddler Group
Marlow Bottom Mother and Toddler Group, Marlow Bottom Methodist Church
Methodist Church Parent and Toddler Group, High Street, Maidenhead
Methodist Church Parent and Toddler Group, Woodlands Park
Nurture Group Drop in, Woodlands Park Village Centre, Maidenhead
Pebbles Toddlers and Parents Group, www.burchettsgreenparish.org
Rainbow Toddlers, Wesley Hall, Methodist Church, Cookham Rise
St Edmund Campion Baby and Toddler Group, Maidenhead, www.st-edmundcampion-mh.co.uk
St Joseph's Parent and Toddler Group, Maidenhead
St Luke's Parent and Toddler Group, St Luke's Church Hall, Maidenhead
St Mary's Stepping Stones, www.stmarysmaidenhead.org
St Mary's Toddlers, Maidenhead, www.stmarysmaidenhead.org
St Peter's Parent and Toddler Group, St Peter's Church, Maidenhead
Stay and Play, Ellington Children's Centre, West Dean (off Ray Mill Road West), Maidenhead
Stay and Play, Larchfield Children's Centre, Maidenhead
Stay and Play, Little Acorns Children's Centre. St Marks Hospital, Maidenhead, 01628 685642
Stay and Play, Maidenhead Nursery School
Stay and Play, Woodlands Park Village Centre, Maidenhead
Stay and Play and Story and Rhyme Time, Pinkneys Green Children’s Centre, childrens.centres@rbwm.gov.uk
Tiddlywinks, Spittal Street Methodist Church Hall, Marlow
Trinity Nippers, Holy Trinity Church, Church Gate, Cookham